that immediately led me to think rube goldberg.oldberg machine is named after a famous artist that is american. he was known for designing cartoons that performed simple tasks in the most complicated way possible. >> getting from concept to reality takes more than six months, 25 people and many sleepless nights. >> it was trial and error. >> build an element, pray that it works. if it does, build the next element. and we had 133 elements. >> at first when i started, i was like, oh, this is fun, this is interesting. by the end of it, i was, like, pulling my hair out. i actually started to have nightmares about the machine. >> i think the photo booth might have been the most complicated element actually. it turned out to be a very complicated series of mouse traps and a very painful thing to set up as well. because mouse traps are super sensitive. i think my favorite element in the machine is the little mario on the screen that jumps across. >> who doesn't like mario? >> they have hundreds of synchronized moving parts and every one h