a rube goldberg machine or device. so a rube goldberg machine is this complicated apparatus that performs many steps. the more steps, the better. and all of them totally unnecessary, because in the end, all of the rube goldberg machine does is do a simple task like it cracks an egg or closes the door or something like that. i'm not sure what industries you folks work in. i'm in the financial services industry, so i'm allowed to say this. this is basically the way the financial industry today where, you know i mean, in every part. right. so even the stuff that everyone's used before, you go to starbucks and you tap your card, the card reader, and you think, wow, look, that the money is moving digitally from my wallets to that device. but it's not it's going through your bank. the bank credit card process and company foreign exchange. in my case know, risk check. and in the end doesn't settle instantly. it takes days sometimes weeks, and it costs 1 to 10%. if you think about trading. right. so anyone use like robinhood o