supervisor cohen: then it ruben santana. then eric smith. >> thank you, supervisors piteously from bayview-interest point. too bad you have given me two minutes. this is a toxic area there. there is no bus stops there. there have been groups that want to build their across the street for many years, and we have opposed because of the sewage plant. there has not been in eir dun, environmental impact than in that area. when i tried to talk to about a month ago, to meet with you, i wanted to explain to you because i heard this was coming up, and wanted you to know about that area. i have lived there since 1948, so i know the community. i know what has been there over the years. this -- that is the most toxic areas. they have all the tracks running through there. there are other businesses based there. you might not even find a parking spot if you go to the meat company over there, because there's no parking. i do not understand why people always want, that do not know the committee, will not call for a community meeting, and ha