in contrast to the rubinstein hall, which will turn into one of the largest halls of variable acousticsn europe, in another concert space in the small glazunov hall, it was decided to preserve the historical acoustics. 100 years ago , a unique soft sound was achieved using a special architectural technique. the so-called wooden frame fur coat. you and i are, as it were, inside a box, which closes uh, stone vaults. that is, if we pay attention to the walls themselves and the wall cladding. you see what, uh, big width. uh, they are separated. yes, between uh, uh, this wooden formwork and a real brick wall is located. eh, air cushion vladimir nicolas invited special masters from spain, acousticians, who influenced everything here, tested symphonic music. it's not very good to play here because the acoustics are so soft. e that we are starting to break, of course, that's why the hall chamber music hall for apartment meetings. i think that he will remain so after glazunov's restructuring, the best, preserved and richest, in terms of restoration decor. its interior decoration is very carefull