rubio intendu to visit muscatine and knoxville iowa tomorrow. jenna: hillary clinton picked up a hefty endorsement on her first campaign trip to nebraska. clinton was introduced on stage by wall street mogul warren buffet, who also announced his support for clinton's white house bid. the relationship may seem odd given clinton's push to raise taxes on the rich... but buffett says that's exactly why he's backing clinton. the presidential candidate outlined why she says it's time to even the nation's economic playing field. (hillary clinton/(d) presidential candidate): "there has been too much that has led to the wealthy getting wealthier at the expense of hard- working families, middle-class families, young people and that's not the way we're going to keep america going and growing. you see, i disagree fundamentally with lead republican candidate, i think america is great and it's up to us to make sure we make it greater." buffett also took a shot at donald trump. after saying that many of the presidential candidates are smart, the investor added