you doing, what are you saying, is it him, ruchkin, i mean? or that i didn’t kill him, who killed him, how do i know what kind of relationship you had with nadezhda lyakhov, none, yes, and her friend said that you wanted to marry her, i wanted to, but i changed my mind, but why? wedding, and she turned out to be a slut, i sent it to her, where were you yesterday at 11 pm, at svetka’s, what svetka’s, at my new girlfriend’s, buta, she can confirm this, of course, let’s do it this way, i’ll issue you a confession, a you’re handing over to us your huckster from whom you took the crap, i promise you, the court will take this into account. okay, yes, come in, come in, great, how are you, no, everything is fine, fine, come on, sit down, sit down, yeah, well, tell me how life is in retirement, okay, hunting, mushrooms, fishing, ah, i envy you, i envy you, it’s not a day here. problems, why aren’t you retiring? i’m still working, well, that’s right, what’s the rush? yes, yes, yes, what did you want, what or what? my neighbor's son-in-law was killed, ye