. >> hanukkah, the festival of lights, is rudi leavor's chance to shine.without his dedication, this celebration wouldn't be taking place at all. leavor is the chairman of the bradford reform synagogue and almost 90 years old. the jewish community here has dwindled to just 45 members, yet the synagogue is packed. that's because rudi hasn't only invited people of the jewish faith to celebrate hanukkah. >> well, it is important for bradford and for the jewish community that for once in a while, and hanukkah is the best time to do it, to invite people from all religions and none, and from different nationalities and to meet together. >> and leavor has done more than most to forge such alliances in bradford. he's had to, to keep his small jewish community alive in changing times. bradford's jewish population has been dwindling for decades, and muslims now make up close to a quarter of the city's population. for a long time, the two communities had little to do with one another. but that's changed. >> shalom, are you well? >> yes, thank you. >> that's also than