. >> reporter: rich rudnick is the operations director for nvf and over the phone told us the charity hired brickmill and quadriga in 2008. that was to start a new donations campaign. we were told for two years it would be very expensive, then we'd be going into the black. that never happened, he told us over the phone. but in person, neither rudnick nor its president shad meshad a man paid $121,000 a year would tell us anything. can we take photos of the guys answering the phone? this is a toll free line, but we prefer not on this trip. >> reporter: all right. well, listen, thanks a lot. and shad is not around? >> he's never here in the mornings. >> reporter: shortly after the door closed on our cameras, cnn received this statement from the national veterans foundation saying, knowing what nvf knows now, it would not have entered into a six-year contract with quadriga and brickmill. the national veterans association says it is now trying to terminate that contract which doesn't end for another two years. so what does quadriga art say? it did what it was supposed to do, increasing the