this case was found in the next block on the morning of october 28, district police officer rudolf gabdrakhmanovnspected the scene of the murder of an elderly couple, later he conducted a block-by-block tour and asked to take the children off from his father-in-law, arrived at the high-rise building, but never entered the apartment, he was found dead on the twenty-third floor. at the scene of the death of the policeman, several versions appear in the buildings. first, the local police officer could have killed the pensioners for money ; another possibility is that the police officer could have taken the money from the apartment when he arrived to inspect the crime scene; the media, citing their sources, report that the thirty-five-year-old gabdrakhmanov needed money and tried to earn money through gambling bets. as journalists found out, he was left with a debt of a million rubles in the gambling club, although the relatives of the deceased district police officer deny this version, they then assure the control basque, what are they saying? it is known that three bullet wounds were found on the