>> we are talking about rudolf hess who was gutierrexhumed andd and scattered over a lake.icials were saying, his marked grave site was being used as a shrine to some 7,000 neonazis who would visit that town, that grave site every year to pay homage to this nazi war criminal. he was, as i was saying, he was a confidant of hitler and had been dictated to by hitler in his book. the town officials were saying this has been in the talks for quite a while now. it's quite unusual for a nazi war criminal or anyone who was found guilty during the nuremberg trials to have a marked grave site. many of those who were executed for being found guilty during the nuremberg trials, they were executed, their bones cremated and then scattered over -- into the sea or into a lake. so it's very unusual that he, himself would have a marked grave. we understand when he was given his life sentence and when he served his life sentence in prison in west berlin, he told officials he wanted to be buried in rosendale where his parents were buried. interesting story. something out of the history books a