what rudolf hÖss did was refine the techniques of mass killing.'d felt they were too inefficient at treblinka, so he took the gas chambers and scaled them up here to an industrial level. it's really only when you're inside the gas chamber that you get a sense of the horror of this place. more than a million people were killed here, but 900,000 of them died on the very first day that they arrived. back inside the property. everything was done to obscure the sights and the sounds of what was happening just next door. so trees had been grown along the wall so that no one inside the house had to see or understand or know about the horror next door. the point of the house now, though, is going to be to shed light. >> we're standing in an ordinary house, quite warm, i might add, while the while those that suffered over there froze in a winter like this, the ordinary cannot be extreme. >> we want to take this place and make sure that extremism is no longer ordinary. the first thing that we did was, okay, we have to open this house to everyone. and symbol