that's what makes rudy ghoul giuliani.this is like, wow, anthony "gas pipe "another interesting middle name. he was the underboss of the family. took over after he went away; right? he went after john gotty. he had a guy put a bomb in the car of a guy named franky. and goty wasn't there. and franky died and blown to bits; okay? and so now there's a contract out on anthony. and the three young guys shot at him one day. he was eating an ice cream cone in the car. he survived. he wanted to know who of the guys are going to get him. it's a famous interview he did for the ed bradley -- great reporter for 60 minutes and said bradley. talk about the most famous murder. jimmy, one of the shooters. and he got the mafia cops, i'm going to -- who were living in las vegas, as you know in 2005 were arrested in las vegas. louis, i actually wrote a pilot for a series called "missing persons." i was a show runner. i started with mike man. my first trip to las vegas was to shoot a script i had written. i tell people i started at the top an