rudy giuliani raised $70 million acting out one delegate in the end. he way, it stuns me in turned the giuliani because he also hasn't been that mitt romney didn't and he had favorables within the republican party they were just huge. i mean, he was actually well-liked. there were differences of opinion, that he was well-liked. so a $70 million i think he ended up with eight delegates. okay, i'm not saying he's not one but he said of gotten more than one delegate. john mccain, when he had all these resources was a miserable candidate. then when he got out and everybody wrote the obituary, it's over, no wait he can do this. and with no money heat made a comeback and positioned himself so he could win. and you have huckabee who absolutely no money and he was there at the end. the point being is that resources are important to have, but they're only as good as what to do with it. and if you're doing something stupid with them or if you're doing something ineffective with them, you're going to lose. and i will tell you that what frustrates me in terms of wa