through all of this. >> rudy valdez, cindy shank, thank you for joining us. cindy, let me start with you. for someone who has not watched this documentary, set this up for us. in the late '90s you were in a relationship with someone who was dealing drugs, and then what happened? >> i was charged with conspiracy. i was also given three separate charges of possession with intent to distribute cocaine, crack, and marijuana. but these were all estimations that somehow turned into actual weight. >> this is because the person you were involved with at the time, he was dealing drugs and conspiracy meaning you knew about it? >> correct. >> you didn't have to be doing it but you get his charges anyway? >> yeah. he was deceased so they had nobody to charge. i was the only one left, so they charged me with it. i was indicted in 2002, and my case was dismissed. i went ahead and moved on with my life, got married, had kids, and six years later the federal government came and indicted me, and i was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison. >> so this was literally a knock o