here in person and that is on tuesday night of the castro run and our closing night film is called rue mandarout a jewish family in paris dealing with an apartment that's left to them after their mother dies. it's a tragedy come di combination. it's our closing night film on thursday august 1s, and then year the freedom of expression is the film maker allen. he has made many films and several of them that's at the festival as well and nobody's business and stranger and we're premiering the brand new film called first cuss sin once removed and allen will be here to expect it on stage. >> we have a clip of first cousin. >> allen is a good film maker and you will see that in the clip. it's about his first cousin that's a poet and a professor at brown university and also a mentor to allen, and allen visits him in the last years of his life when he was suffering from al timers. it's moving also. >> first cousin once removed. >> one, two, three. >> out of all the films in the film festival, how do you make your choices? >> well this year we were interested to highlight some new film makers and so w