comprised of 3 main staff, executive director troy campbell, who is with us today, program manager ruell daniels and marketing communications manager rachel brown. the three components of service areas at the fisherman's wharf covers is district identify and streetscape improvements, street operation, beautification and order and admin and corporate operations. in terms of financial review, owd reviewed 4 benchmarks, the first being whether the cbd was between 10 percentage points between their management plan and their budget for the years. second is whether or not on an annual basis they were able to collect 5 percent of their budget from non-assessment revenues, the third being whether or not between their budget and actuals were within 10 percentage points of each budget item and the fourth being whether or not they identified how many funds were being carried forward into the next fiscal year. in terms of benchmark 1 on the land side, fisherman's wharf cbd for the most part complied with this wtd exception of fiscal year 2010-2011 and in 2009-2010 they were very close to not being in compli