, ruff, ruff. and runs away. the mother bows looked down and says, let that be a lesson to you. never underestimate the power of the second language. [laughter] [applause] so as we begin to estimate some of these powers, what i would like you to do, for me, think about one part of the theme that we are exploring today, the good life. i would like you to take a moment and reflect on what would be a good life. what are the critical elements for you, of a good life? this is a question of philosophers have explored over the ages. time after time, this is what we like to explore with people facing disabilities and life challenges. i am curious, when you thought about what would be critical for a good life, how many of you listed family and friends? how about making a contribution or participating? being engaged? how about good health and having choices? all of these are core elements. you know how most of our efforts are focused? yes, this is it. this is how we have a whole industry thinking about futur