i do not know if you love poetry like i do, but from reading allen ginsberg, rumi, langston hughes -- i love reading it to my kids into schools. the san francisco state poetry center, founded 46 years ago, a as an important project throughout the country. i want to acknowledge this important date is coming up. i think ms. -- i thank ms. terrence for being here so long. >> that concludes roll call. president chiu: why don't we go to general public comment? >> the public may address the board for two minutes on item one, the mayoral appearance before the board, and other matters before the subject jurisdiction of the board, including the adoption without committee reference calendar, and excluding items which have been before a board committee. speakers using translation will be allowed twice the amount of time to testify. if you would like a document to be displayed on the overhead projector, please state such. remove the document, and the screen will return to live coverage of the meeting. >> [unintelligible] [speaking a foreign language] finally, san francisco has a mayor with courag