what's known as gold farming people spend hours a day playing dated online games such as tibia and rune scape to acquire virtual gold game points or special characters that can sell to their players for real money or crypto currency such as big coin the practice which was previously cropped up in other basket case economy such as north korea has become so popular with event. they are now spreading inflation outside the virtual worlds so they're making so much money in these virtual games but the reason why the venezuelans are going to these old games which i've never even heard of i'm not a gamer but tibia and rune scape is that their internet connections are slow so when looking at places like alabama where they also have slow internet connections or south dakota or north dakota or tent city and slow internet connections here you can go to online get in these games virtually games. because they don't use as much graphics as these new war world of warcraft and all that sort of new games but hamstrung by shaky internet connections and outdated hardware then as well as gold farmers have gravita