runnion, votes aye. mr. scott, mr. scott votes aye. mr. griffin. mr. griffin. mr. griffin votes aye. mr. palazzo votes aye. mr. west votes eye. mrs. roby. mrs. roby votes eye. mr. brooks votes eye. mr. young votes aye. mr. garamendi. >> clerk will report the tally zbllt 36 aye votes, 25 no votes. >> the amendment is agreed to. if there are no further amendments the chair recognizes the gentleman from virginia mr. forbes for the purpose of offering a motion. >> mr. chairman i move to adopt the submity report on readiness as amended. >> the question is on the motion of the gentleman from virginia. so many as are in favor say aye. those opposed no. quorum being present the ayes have it. the motion is agreed to. the committee will now stand in recess for lunch and the first series of votes on the floor. we will reconvene after those floor votes are concluded. >> the house armed services here going into a break in what could