sb 83, which allows us to do this, from senator runny hancock, sets a limit of $10.cies in the state to choose to place this on the ballot, which is why this item was presented to you as a rather unusual item. the authority board would be you boating to place it on the ballot. the authorization in december essentially gave us courage to develop an expenditure plan, which we did with the help of the advisory committee and stakeholder group and members of that stake holder group are included at the end of the expenditure plan for your information. it also authorized us to develop a benefit analysis, which is required by as the 83, because it is a user fee, and which show the people paying the fee that this is a clear benefit. this analysis was conducted by outside analysts. that was presented to you back in may. the scope of the work our thrust was to conduct two -- to place this on the ballot, to gauge the likely success of a measure like this. we proceeded to develop expenditure plans. we gave progress reports to the plans and programs committee on this issue in janu