and able and eager to help care for a person costs so much less than to the people's life savings runout and put them in a nursing home. >> host: you make a number of criticisms of the medicare program, particularly that assistance for the home caregiver is and covered. why don't you talk more about that. >> guest: and this is a hard thing to talk about because nobody is talking about expanding services now. all people are talking about in medicare is ways to cut them, and in fact i think that there are a number of things we are going to have to do to reduce and if life care which only prolongs death. i will talk about that in a bit. but it is a great criticism of medicare that you cannot -- let's say you have a husband at home in the middle stages of alzheimer's, but you cannot care for him 24 hours a day. you have the job yourself, and in come you very much need. medicare will not pay for people to come in for eight hours a day, the eight hours you need to work, which would be so much cheaper in the long run, but we are a country that doesn't do long run thinking, than having people lo