we are joined by rupert harrison, former u.k. chief of staff to george osborne.nedy is also joining us. first of all, we have written a lot, but there are two key positions to fill. and i the chancellor imagine the foreign secretary. he or she will come into play in negotiations. simon: of course. theresa may publicly said whoever gets the job under her would be someone from the pro brexit campaign which reduces the runners and writers a little. people, but not as many as are available for the other jobs. francine: what was it like working with george osborne and the eu? are the eu bunch quite emotional? do you need to come in with no animosity and wanting to play nice? rupert: i think it is totally different now than the previous five years. then it was trying to find a by day solutions to individual dossiers and now you have an extensive negotiation. i imagine it will be quite tense and there will be a premium on coming in with a positive attitude and a clear plan. francine: do you think there needs to be a brexiteers in charge? rupert: i think there does. you