rupi kaur, welcome to the program. >> thank you for having me. >> so, rupi, i have to start because you are a millennial rock star. you're a phenomenon, and people have called you or dubbed you an insta poet. is that a new genre? what is it? >> so i think that title, insta poet, it's a new genre. but for me it's not because if you look at poetry throughout history, the style in which i write has existed for so long. you see it in the way that poets like ee cummings wrote or -- and i guess the term insta poet originates from poetry, which is a very traditional form of art that's been married to something that's really non-traditional and new, which is instagram. so over the past couple of years, we've seen dozens and dozens of young writers who are using instagram as a platform to share and publish their work. >> and you have almost 3 million instagram followers, which again is huge. but let's just start at the beginning. you were only 4 when your parents brought you to canada, right? your father came as a refugee. what was it like growing up in that sort of other environment, that other