electronics or electricity and and often have telephones and my recollection is that the rural electrification administration as i recall the the roosevelt franklin roosevelt administration and the role to law from the administration was called i think was that during truman or eisenhower did was that also f.d.r. did that mean both cases basically the government came in and said private corporations you are not willing to run these long lines out into people's farms because it's not profitable so either we're going to run the more we're going to force you to run them and pay for them and i don't recall which it was can you tell us those stories and is that the model that you're suggesting for broadband at the same thing happened in electricity so roosevelt had to f.d.r. had a great history in warm springs georgia and knew that not having electricity there was causing it that the quality of life to be a lot lower and so he made sure that cooperatives across the cultural regions of the united states were supported subsidized benefited and forced equal level of electrification across the country that's what nee