said no federal funds shall be used to implement the ban on talking about the political views of r ruritania, we tried, but the money was taken away from us, it's not unconstitutional. >> or you could say that the law is passed by congress but vetoed by the president. is there a violation of the constitution? >> there would not be. but in my hypothetical, or in justice breyer's where it actually goes into effect -- >> we're off on a tangent because there's no injury. in this situation when the law doesn't go into effect. but coming back to what justice breyer, i believe, is attempting to say, i don't know, mr. goldstein, that i understand either, and i think justice kagan asked you this. why does it matter, and we don't care whether someone is a republican or not in elrod and branty and those cases. and you say it's only because it's a policy. the intent of the government is to say i'm not going to promote anybody who is not a democrat or not a republican. >> more than a policy. it will actually have adverse consequences for someone exercising their constitutional right. >> they've gone alon