rushanna is like that.tchatkova would have been made padmurak, externally similar to the giant hackey puck. 16 meters in diameter and two feet in diameter from cobblestones of large sizes , sprinkled with fractional crustacean sand on an oak base, the sandy admyslova stones were not coated with anything, the heta was crushed for the size of the bath vyaliznaga tsisku vezha on a large wide area, as we are working on padmurak, oakum and poured concrete, and yanas were laid and the hetay was poured, but the yana hetag was not destroyed. and i’m glad, this is not a lost cause, this worker hasn’t been forgotten, and this is all, well, hell of a lot, that there is little or no water, i’m going to fall to the ground there, and this is the stone i, this is everything - well, there’s no way these parushenny will be developed, like magchys, they weren’t, darechy, i’m like a staіts... staіts nadzenna, there weren’t, but this kind of papytka guarantees what yana budze flock. for the correctness of the applied technolog