in this case, artilleryman ruslan shilin therefore, in the corner there is a qr-code that sends us to the website of the ministry of defense. where can we find out what the guy got for your award in this photo. he is still without a medal for courage, but the reward has already found him. and that's why the armored groups broke through to our positions. under the cover of a howitzer , a self-propelled battery, ruslan's width, was covered by the enemy with mortars. and yet, with deft counter-battery strikes, the guys managed to suppress the artillery of the nationalists. attack, choked three times. we, in my opinion, changed the firing position. there was also very heavy rain. eh, dirt is hard for everyone. uh, but all together well-coordinated work. we eliminated all malfunctions and opened fire in a timely manner and for sure, looking at ruslan and other heroes. people really want their defenders to hear these wishes. i wish you more strength of spirit, most importantly, do not be afraid of anything or anyone. well, you strong people always know all this and understand their fortitud