i decided to enroll in the academy of rusn, because i am interested in robotic complexes and want to serve my homeland. after 50 hours of flight on the simulator - access to real birds, and tuk sambu entered the academy already with combat experience at the front. controlled the orlan reconnaissance drone, here i mastered the kamikaze copters, it was easier to control the orlan, to be honest, because there you control it more through a laptop, and here you need to do it yourself, that is, this is some kind of motor skills, it is more difficult, but i learned accordingly and for me it has already become normal, the motor skills have developed, yes, of course, they learn to protect strategic missile systems, of course, and in other ways, security post number one. i took up a circular defense, each combat post responds to the alarm, saboteurs are shot from heavy machine guns and the smoke-2 remote fire system, third-year student arkady aksyonov is responsible for it. for me , the military sphere is something native, because my father is a military man, my mother is a military man, so i