russ koesterich, a portfolio manager of blackrock's global allocation fund.e, how are investors viewing that country? we look at the data. this is bloomberg. ♪ ♪ lisa: "what'd you miss?" we will take a dive into the bloomberg. you can find the chart using the function at the bottom of the screen. joe: ok, i will kick it off looking at europe. we have elections and we are talking about political risk and the common explanation is that there are economic problems in people want to vote for the populist. but people are feeling better. if we go into the bloomberg, i have a chart looking at consumer sentiment in france and italy. the white line is italy, the blue one is france and they are trending higher. france is at its highest level in a long time. so if you think about what is happening in europe, if it is based on economics, you are probably missing part of the story. erik: we are out of date. joe: exactly. or the idea that growth is necessarily going to pull back notpopulist ties, that may work either because these numbers are moving higher and contrary to