mark levine and russ limbaugh have suspended their accounts and a vast number have joined them.clear there will be no monitoring of parler. how will this splintering occur? will it be the fringe leaving the rest of society, or will they take a larger swath of conservative society with them? that's the next key information concern that we have to have on social media when it comes to banning or not banning various actives. >> for some people that's a first amendment issue. for some it's a censorship issue. the larger political issue may be to your point. what happens when we start disengaging, the splinter becomes full? how do we solve this problem where we're not going into our corners but we're having some sort of productive conversation that's not steered by conspiracy theory? >> i'm appreciative of books like "zuck." my book likes to take off where those books and movies leave off, which is, what can we do? we have to address the major issues before us, privacy, election integrity, the spread of misinformation, competition in society, and we have to do this in a nuanced and l