board and they treated him with kid gloves and that's a great point you bring up which is that russ watson was on the board of the n.s.a. and you hold them accountable you want to hold them accountable for what you consider gross negligence these guys are not paid by taxpayers they are not a government regulatory body though they're given some of this authority by government regulators you want to sue what did you find well it's really interesting what i found is this this group that really set themselves up they went to the commodity futures trading commission and let's set ourselves up they've been drawing salaries to president of well over a million dollars a year and you cut his benefits as well but they are totally immune as well i found out from lawsuits it cost me probably fifty thousand dollars in legal fees to find out but i think this is. an important battle this organization is supposed to protect because they have it and they can just walk away from it they have more immunity than john cores and you're right it should be in an orange jumpsuit but the n.s.a. members build every