Jan 16, 2016
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of russell's remains. family settled the lawsuit. the case was closed. but it does mean that over two decades after his death, russell jordan once again is missing viewer discretion is advised. >> msnbc takes you behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons into a world of chaos and danger. now, the scenes you've never seen. "lockup raw." over the years, we've profiled inmates who have committed extreme acts of violence, both in and out of prison. though we found there's a special breed of criminal mind, wh
of russell's remains. family settled the lawsuit. the case was closed. but it does mean that over two decades after his death, russell jordan once again is missing viewer discretion is advised. >> msnbc takes you behind the walls of america's most notorious prisons into a world of chaos and danger. now, the scenes you've never seen. "lockup raw." over the years, we've profiled inmates who have committed extreme acts of violence, both in and out of prison. though we found there's...
Jan 7, 2016
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((russell)) p>>laura: and good morning. pi'm laura moody. p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. plet's get to look at dave for pthe weather. p>>dave: a lot of cloud cover. pgood morning to the two of you. pit's 47 degrees based on this pcamera point all children's phospital looking towards the peast. pyou can see the low clouds. pthe visibility, the ground has pbeen good. pmost of this is just really pabove the surface. pthose in tampa, i can't see the pdowntown building but 56 degrees pwith a northeast wind at eight. ponce some of that cloud cover pfor many of us, we're starting pthis week getting back in the p70s. pmainly the low to mid 70s for phigh temperatures. pvanessa? p>>vanessa: all right. psad update to the crash i just pmentioned in the last report, pthe one involving a pedestrian pthat was struck on fletcher near pbruce b downs. pthat pedestrian has passed away pfrom their injuries. pas i mentioned before, westbound ptraffic is being diverted and pyou'll probably expect an pextended investigation and pclosure throughout the morning. pso a custom hours is what we ptyp
((russell)) p>>laura: and good morning. pi'm laura moody. p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. plet's get to look at dave for pthe weather. p>>dave: a lot of cloud cover. pgood morning to the two of you. pit's 47 degrees based on this pcamera point all children's phospital looking towards the peast. pyou can see the low clouds. pthe visibility, the ground has pbeen good. pmost of this is just really pabove the surface. pthose in tampa, i can't see the pdowntown building but 56...
Jan 14, 2016
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p>> good morning, russell. p>>russell: and we have discussed pthis subject before, but it's pworth mentioning and visiting pagain. pand we'll talk in a second. pbut first, we have a couple of p911 calls from people caught in pscary situations. plet's listen to the first one. p>> what is your emergency? p>> yeah. pi just got robbed point blank pand i just need the police over phere, please. pwe were working on a car and pthey came in, the two guys, and pwe went to see the car and he pbasically put the gun in my pface. p>> and chad, that's not that punusual. p>> it's not. pin the past month we've had six preported instances just like pthat, russell. pbig business as we know. pbut it's become quite dangerous. p>>russell: we had geoff simon on pyesterday, and we were talking pabout online sales and it's a phuge part of the economy now. psome people make their living pdoing it. pthis next 911 call we're going pto play is, to me, the most ptroubling of all of the listen pto this one. p>> yeah. pi just got robbed. p>>
p>> good morning, russell. p>>russell: and we have discussed pthis subject before, but it's pworth mentioning and visiting pagain. pand we'll talk in a second. pbut first, we have a couple of p911 calls from people caught in pscary situations. plet's listen to the first one. p>> what is your emergency? p>> yeah. pi just got robbed point blank pand i just need the police over phere, please. pwe were working on a car and pthey came in, the two guys, and pwe went to see the...
Jan 22, 2016
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p>>russell: you, too. p>>reporter: car sharing app by pgeneral motors, why would psomeone who buys and sells cars pwant you to share a car? pthis is the future. pby 2020 it's predicted that paround the world, there will be p25 million people who share cars pso five times the present pnumber. pyou can lock and unlock the car, prent it by the hour and do so pall with your smart phone and phelp of general motors. pthey're testing it now in just pone city in anne arbor, michigan pbut they do have plans to take pit nationwide. p>>russell: things are changing, plauren. pyou know? pthat's the way it is. p>>reporter: you can't fall pbehind. pthat's why g.m. is doing it. pit doesn't make sense but -- p>>laura: just a few weeks ago, pwe heard the song "hello" from pyou could not escape it. pwe knew she broke records but it psounds like sheepz just broken a pnew one, too, right? p>>reporter: i was driving the pother day and "hello" was on pthree different radio stations. p>>laura: it's everywhere. p>>reporter: she ha
p>>russell: you, too. p>>reporter: car sharing app by pgeneral motors, why would psomeone who buys and sells cars pwant you to share a car? pthis is the future. pby 2020 it's predicted that paround the world, there will be p25 million people who share cars pso five times the present pnumber. pyou can lock and unlock the car, prent it by the hour and do so pall with your smart phone and phelp of general motors. pthey're testing it now in just pone city in anne arbor, michigan pbut...
Jan 21, 2016
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pit's horrible, russell. p>>russell: as we're seeing in pthe video, it is a grup of eople. pthey have equipment. pi mean, they have signage on ptheir cars and everything. pthey look legit. p>> and look at this paving job. pcould you imagine paying this pmoney for a paving job and this pis what you get? pbut at least they completed some ptype of job. pa lot of times someone will be pas trusting to give them the pmoney and full payment ahead of p>>russell: from the video you psent us on what we're using, the prain washed the material away pand the grass is coming through pwhat's left of it and these pfolks are long gone, aren't pthey? p>> they are. ptalk about something horrible. pyou pay -- think you're getting pservice and you don't get it and pthey are long gone. pbe careful. ptake a look at these pcontractors' trucks. pi didn't know this until we pstarted researching the topic. pthey have to have their contract pnumber somewhere on the truck. p>>russell: i've seen that. p>> a lot of these con artists pwon't have it. pyou'll just see a name or psomething on the truck. pbut
pit's horrible, russell. p>>russell: as we're seeing in pthe video, it is a grup of eople. pthey have equipment. pi mean, they have signage on ptheir cars and everything. pthey look legit. p>> and look at this paving job. pcould you imagine paying this pmoney for a paving job and this pis what you get? pbut at least they completed some ptype of job. pa lot of times someone will be pas trusting to give them the pmoney and full payment ahead of p>>russell: from the video you...
Jan 29, 2016
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p>>russell: f.b.i. released a new pvideo of what happened during a pdeadly traffic stop involving a pgroup of oregon ranchers pearlier. pone of those ranchers died. pthat's 55-year-old that was part pof a militia group led by bundy. pbundy was taken into custody palong with seven others followed pno indication the standoff will pend any time soon. pthere are calls on social media pfor more militia men to come and rotest. p>>jennifer: the teenager who pulzed the affluenza defense is pback in the united states. pethan couch and his mother were plast month. phe's accused of violating his robation and he could face 40 pyears in prison. pa judge will decide whether to ptransfer his case to the court pcriminal justice system. p>>russell: a lot of people pasking whether new jersey was pexperiencing an earthquake. pu.s. geo logical survey confirms pit was a sonic boom instead. ptook place in the southern pafternoon. psonic boom is the result of pchanges in the air pressure that phappens when an object breaks pt
p>>russell: f.b.i. released a new pvideo of what happened during a pdeadly traffic stop involving a pgroup of oregon ranchers pearlier. pone of those ranchers died. pthat's 55-year-old that was part pof a militia group led by bundy. pbundy was taken into custody palong with seven others followed pno indication the standoff will pend any time soon. pthere are calls on social media pfor more militia men to come and rotest. p>>jennifer: the teenager who pulzed the affluenza defense is...
Jan 18, 2016
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p>>russell: i do it. p>>laura: you do? p>>russell: butter. p>>laura: they've been doing it pfor centuries but it really pcaught on when an american pbusinessman brought the idea to pthe states and called it the pbulletproof diet. p>>russell: prime minister butter pand oil in a blender. p>>laura: it makes it richer and papparently healthier. p>>russell: do you want me to pbring it to you? p>>laura: i'll try it. p>>russell: adding a pinch of psalt to your coffee increases pthe bitterness. pcommon practice in scandinavia. p>>laura: i can see that. pif you really want to be brave, pindonesia. pstart by adding loose coffee pgrinds and sugar to a cup and pthen pour on the hot water. phot piece of charcoal. pit's added to the brew to pneutralize the acidity. p>>russell: i'll bring it for you ptomorrow. p>>laura: butter. p>>russell: butter coffee. p>>laura: do you have it with you pnow? p>>russell: i drink it at home pright off the bat. p>>laura: good lord. pi'll try it. pi love ya. p>>russell: the famous singer psending aid to a city dealing pwith a
p>>russell: i do it. p>>laura: you do? p>>russell: butter. p>>laura: they've been doing it pfor centuries but it really pcaught on when an american pbusinessman brought the idea to pthe states and called it the pbulletproof diet. p>>russell: prime minister butter pand oil in a blender. p>>laura: it makes it richer and papparently healthier. p>>russell: do you want me to pbring it to you? p>>laura: i'll try it. p>>russell: adding a pinch of...
Jan 26, 2016
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p>>russell: cheating never pays. pnow more than half a dozen pdeputy hopefuls will never see ptheir first paychecks because pthey broke the rules. p>>dave: top 'o the morning to pyou at 54 degrees. pspots than yesterday at this ptime. pso you're still going to need a plight jacket. pa couple of spots in the upper p40s but nobody in the 30s. pwith the cloud cover on the pincrease today, i still think pwe're going to make it back in pthe low 70s for high ptemperatures. pmild today but the rain and the pstorms are moving in for ptomorrow. pwe'll talk more about that in a pfew minutes. pjen? p>>jennifer: a developing story pin hillsborough county i-275, pthe scene of a fatal crash at pmile marker 56. pthis accident occurred just pafter 11:45 last night and for pmost of the morning since "good pday tampa bay" started, i-275 pwas shut down in both directions pbetween i-75 and bearss avenue. pwe're hearing reports from pflorida highway patrol troopers pthat i-275 is in the process of preopening. pwe'll head out to ken live
p>>russell: cheating never pays. pnow more than half a dozen pdeputy hopefuls will never see ptheir first paychecks because pthey broke the rules. p>>dave: top 'o the morning to pyou at 54 degrees. pspots than yesterday at this ptime. pso you're still going to need a plight jacket. pa couple of spots in the upper p40s but nobody in the 30s. pwith the cloud cover on the pincrease today, i still think pwe're going to make it back in pthe low 70s for high ptemperatures. pmild today but...
Jan 25, 2016
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p>>russell: u.s. fish and pwildlife will no longer support pa group that teaches endangered pwhooping cranes how to migrate. pthey are nearly wiped out in the p1940s. pfor 15 years a group called poperation migration has tried to pestablish a new flock. pwell, the group inspired that pmovie "fly away home." pthey raised chicks in the wild pand then acting as their arents, used ultra lights to pteach the birds how to fly south pfor the winter. pthe group starts in wisconsin pand ends up in northern florida pand this is a map of the pjourney. pthe latest flock is resting just pnorth of their winter nesting proute in the panhandle. plast leg of a flight has been pdelayed because of weather. pthe effort has been more than p$20 million. p92 birds are still alive. ponly 10 chicks are still alive pthe birds aren't passing on what pthey were taught. pthe leader says he's pdisappointed and sad to see the pend of aircraft-led migrations. p>>laura: we are expecting some pstorms later this week. pdave has your se
p>>russell: u.s. fish and pwildlife will no longer support pa group that teaches endangered pwhooping cranes how to migrate. pthey are nearly wiped out in the p1940s. pfor 15 years a group called poperation migration has tried to pestablish a new flock. pwell, the group inspired that pmovie "fly away home." pthey raised chicks in the wild pand then acting as their arents, used ultra lights to pteach the birds how to fly south pfor the winter. pthe group starts in wisconsin pand...
Jan 13, 2016
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p>>russell: welcome. pi'm russell rhodes. pit's cold this morning but dave psays some worst weather is on pthe way, right? p>>dave: it's friday. pfriday we have a good chance of pshowers and thunderstorms to pcome through but relatively pquiet the next couple of days pand cloudy as well. pyou can see with the tampa cam pthat we have a high cloud cover pstreaming through the area. pit's not going to stop from ushing through, filtering pthrough. p50 degrees in tampa, 42 in pbrooksville. pmid to upper 40s for the inland plocations. pi think we get back to mid 60s pfor today. pwith that filtered sunshine, ponce again, friday morning will pbe a bit stormy so we'll discuss pthat in a few minutes. p>>vanessa: thank you. pwe're keeping an eye on i-275 pnorthbound approaching dale pmabry. pthat trouble spot from the heart pof the rush hour commute pyesterday morning. plooks like it's all clear at pthis point as far as those ptravel times go. pnot too many cars on the roadway pyet so of course, we'll watch pit. pwe didn't start to see
p>>russell: welcome. pi'm russell rhodes. pit's cold this morning but dave psays some worst weather is on pthe way, right? p>>dave: it's friday. pfriday we have a good chance of pshowers and thunderstorms to pcome through but relatively pquiet the next couple of days pand cloudy as well. pyou can see with the tampa cam pthat we have a high cloud cover pstreaming through the area. pit's not going to stop from ushing through, filtering pthrough. p50 degrees in tampa, 42 in...
Jan 27, 2016
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p>>russell: there it is. prepublican presidential pfrontrunner donald trump taking pa big gamble days before the p>>laura: play time is far from pover. precess is making a victory for inellas county parents. precess for everyone. p>>russell: we'll have those pstories in a bit. pweather. pthere's a lot of it out there, pisn't there, dave? p>>dave: there is a lot of rain. pi have good news and bad news pfor you. pnot so good news is we still phave some heavy rain and it's pbeen raining off and on all pnight so the roads are all wet. pthe god news is we may see a pbreak in the action for a few phours before another round of prain comes through later this pmorning. pwhere we have the solid rain pstill, from tampa north you've pgot pasco, hernando, citrus pcounty. pit's mostly light to moderate prain. pin orlando, traffic is slowing pdown big time because of the prain moving through right now pand one more line of heavier prain in highlands county and pthat's moving off towards the pnorth and the east very quickly
p>>russell: there it is. prepublican presidential pfrontrunner donald trump taking pa big gamble days before the p>>laura: play time is far from pover. precess is making a victory for inellas county parents. precess for everyone. p>>russell: we'll have those pstories in a bit. pweather. pthere's a lot of it out there, pisn't there, dave? p>>dave: there is a lot of rain. pi have good news and bad news pfor you. pnot so good news is we still phave some heavy rain and it's...
Jan 19, 2016
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p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. pfirst the storms have given to a pbig chill. plet's check in with lindsay who pis in for dave. p>>lindsay: it's cool this pmorning. pcoldest will be tomorrow morning pand then we start a warmup later pthis week. pit could be colder. pthank the high clouds from reventing the huge dropoff. p46 in lakeland. pnow down to 43 in brandon and 46 pin tampa. pso what we have is going to preally relate to a beautiful psunrise and that's high cloud pcover. pwhere it's spinning and colder pand we may drop another degree por two before all is said and pdone. pnice mix of high cloud and sun ptoday. pgives way to a cold night ptonight. pthrough the afternoon, by noon, ponly 53. pour average high is 70. phigh clouds only topping out pnear 59. plate tonight, pasco north, pyou'll wake up near freezing. pwe'll talk about the freeze pwarning and storms on friday pcoming up. p>>vanessa: we have a few road pconditions for you. pno crashes to report to you. pit's been quiet and this is a plive look at 275 and bird pstreet. pwe can see traffic is pickin
p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. pfirst the storms have given to a pbig chill. plet's check in with lindsay who pis in for dave. p>>lindsay: it's cool this pmorning. pcoldest will be tomorrow morning pand then we start a warmup later pthis week. pit could be colder. pthank the high clouds from reventing the huge dropoff. p46 in lakeland. pnow down to 43 in brandon and 46 pin tampa. pso what we have is going to preally relate to a beautiful psunrise and that's high cloud pcover....
Jan 11, 2016
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p>>russell: f.b.i. tried to pdetermine whether a police pofficer shooting in philadelphia phad any ties to terrorism. psaturday night investigators say p30-year-old edward archer shot pofficer hartman at point blank prange and they say that archer ledged his allegiance to the pislamic state. pofficer hartman is suffering a pbroken arm and nerve damage. p>>laura: the mother of the pso-called affluenza teen is pexpected in court this morning. pshe's asking for a ruled bond. ptonya couch is accused of pfleeing with her son to mexico pto avoid authorities. p18-year-old is suspected of pviolating his probation for a pd.u.i. wreck that killed four eople. pcouch is charged with hindering papprehension of a fugitive and plast week her bond was set at $1 pmillion. p>>russell: this morning another pwoman is in court accused of pstealing millions after a half pdozen jewelry heists. p>>laura: the high tech way that pthe f.b.i. finally tracked her pdown. pand do you ever wonder what the pvery adult looking dolls loo
p>>russell: f.b.i. tried to pdetermine whether a police pofficer shooting in philadelphia phad any ties to terrorism. psaturday night investigators say p30-year-old edward archer shot pofficer hartman at point blank prange and they say that archer ledged his allegiance to the pislamic state. pofficer hartman is suffering a pbroken arm and nerve damage. p>>laura: the mother of the pso-called affluenza teen is pexpected in court this morning. pshe's asking for a ruled bond. ptonya...
Jan 20, 2016
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p>>russell: you're right. p>>taylor: and here is one to phelp us warm up just ailing bit, plike you guys said, we have a pgoat in a coat. pjust jumping around. p>>laura: how cute. plooks like a puppy. p>>taylor: it really does. pi would absolutely put on a few pextra layers to head outside and lay with those little guys ptoday. pyay. pokay. ptime to play. p>>laura: frolicking around. p>>taylor: yes. pand lastly, you know, we just phave this. pthat's a baby donkey and that pbaby donkey is just laying in -- hammock, happy pas can be. plook at that little face. pas soon as i'm pto cuddle with the little pdonkey. p>>russell: that's all it takes pto entertain us. p>>taylor: welcome to another panimal edition of hot clicks. pi went there. phappy wednesday, you guys. p>>russell: you, too. psee you later. pcould retired general david etraeus be facing a demotion? pwe'll have the details. p>>laura: and a dog stolen from a et store and traded for drugs. pculprit is behind bars the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donu
p>>russell: you're right. p>>taylor: and here is one to phelp us warm up just ailing bit, plike you guys said, we have a pgoat in a coat. pjust jumping around. p>>laura: how cute. plooks like a puppy. p>>taylor: it really does. pi would absolutely put on a few pextra layers to head outside and lay with those little guys ptoday. pyay. pokay. ptime to play. p>>laura: frolicking around. p>>taylor: yes. pand lastly, you know, we just phave this. pthat's a baby...
Jan 26, 2016
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p>>charley: half marathon you psay, russell? p>>russell: i did. p>>charley: ask me what my best ptime was? p>>russell: what's your best ptime? p>>charley: 1:12. pone month and 12 days. pby the time i got to the finish pline, everybody was gone. p>>russell: that's what it is on pyour fit bit, right? p>>charley: 1:12. pwe are at the polk county youth pfair in bartow and there's often phad smell-a-vision. pi wish i did today so you could pexperience what i'm pexperiencing. pthe aroma of pigs in the morning pand i'm not talking about bacon. pdifferent sort of smell right pnow but that's all right. pthat means we're celebrating pagriculture in the state of pflorida. pthat is what these fairs are all pabout. pstick around, everybody. pwe'll get you ready for the polk p"good day" continues. welcome back the time is 7:xx... more p>>laura: welcome back. ptime is 7:24. pmore developments in an -- a plead contamination crisis in pflint, michigan. p>>russell: they're finding out pwhether laws were broken. pcity's water became tainted pafter officials decided
p>>charley: half marathon you psay, russell? p>>russell: i did. p>>charley: ask me what my best ptime was? p>>russell: what's your best ptime? p>>charley: 1:12. pone month and 12 days. pby the time i got to the finish pline, everybody was gone. p>>russell: that's what it is on pyour fit bit, right? p>>charley: 1:12. pwe are at the polk county youth pfair in bartow and there's often phad smell-a-vision. pi wish i did today so you could pexperience what...
Jan 12, 2016
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it's a good morning to p>>russell: i'm russell rhodes. p>>laura: and i'm laura moody. pit's cold out there. plet's get straight to the pforecast. p>>dave: 30s and 40s will greet pyou as you go out the door. pmost spots a few degrees cooler pthan yesterday at this time. pbrooksville is 34. p41 wesley chapel. p45 in the tampa area. pwinds out of north. pthat hasn't changed. pi do have a few sprinkles in de psoto county, highlands county to pthrow at you. potherwise, partly cloudy to pmostly sunny this morning and ptemperatures back to the lower p60s this afternoon. p>>russell: expect some big pchanges on northbound i-275 on pyour way into tampa this pmorning. pabout an hour ago, crews wrapped pup the latest phase of the pconstruction project and this is pnew video from sky fox on the pfinished lane. povernight they finally closed pthe old lanes, replaced them pwith straighter, less curvy pones. pthis should mean better pvisibility. pdrivers should be careful as pdrivers merge. pfdot is going to open a fourth pthe next two or three months. pbeautiful. p>>vanessa: it will
it's a good morning to p>>russell: i'm russell rhodes. p>>laura: and i'm laura moody. pit's cold out there. plet's get straight to the pforecast. p>>dave: 30s and 40s will greet pyou as you go out the door. pmost spots a few degrees cooler pthan yesterday at this time. pbrooksville is 34. p41 wesley chapel. p45 in the tampa area. pwinds out of north. pthat hasn't changed. pi do have a few sprinkles in de psoto county, highlands county to pthrow at you. potherwise, partly...
Jan 19, 2016
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p>>russell: quoting the bible. pdonald trump tries to appeal to pa large portion of voters who pconsider themselves christians. lus -- p>>reporter: more than 1,000 or pthousands of people, rather, are pmaking their way to tallahassee pall in support of the issue of pschool choice. pwe'll talk a little bit more pabout that and one group making ptheir way there from the tampa p>>laura: and sound the alarm. plisten to this story. pa new type of lock that lets you pknow when a child or someone pelse is holding your gun. pand welcome to the 7:00 hour of p"good day." pi'm laura moody. p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. pfirst we need to get to weather pand talk to lindsay. pit's cold. pgetting colder, right? p>>lindsay: we're tracking the pcoldest tomorrow but it is pbeautiful and i encourage you to pjust look outside. phigh clouds, stunning, 45 pdegrees. pit's cold here in tampa. pwe've dropped one degree since plast hour and you know, it's pstill a bit breezy by the bay. pwe dropped two degrees in st. ete. pit's now
p>>russell: quoting the bible. pdonald trump tries to appeal to pa large portion of voters who pconsider themselves christians. lus -- p>>reporter: more than 1,000 or pthousands of people, rather, are pmaking their way to tallahassee pall in support of the issue of pschool choice. pwe'll talk a little bit more pabout that and one group making ptheir way there from the tampa p>>laura: and sound the alarm. plisten to this story. pa new type of lock that lets you pknow when a...
Jan 21, 2016
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p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. pa lot ahead this morning, but pfirst we have to talk about the pmorning commute. pcourtney is in for vanessa. p>> we're seeing traffic delays pbuilding up along 275 pnorthbound. pwe've been talking about that pthis morning and we have yet to pbuild up until a few minutes pago. pnorthbound off the howard pfrankland bridge, stacking up pthrough kennedy as you make your pway towards dale mabry. pright now into the i-4 pinterchange, that's 14 minutes. pthat time there will continue to pbuild as the delays just pcontinue to add on this morning. pwe're going to see a lot of that pand get to more later. pthis closure at 50th street psouth of the selmon expressway, pstill shut down at 17th avenue. pyou can also take 78th street pinstead. pdave? p>>dave: thank you, courtney. pand it's chilly outside again pbut it's warmer overall than it pwe're at 51 degrees out at tampa pinternational. pwe have temperatures in the mid p40s wesley chapel to brandon and pthen you've got the mid to upper p30s.
p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. pa lot ahead this morning, but pfirst we have to talk about the pmorning commute. pcourtney is in for vanessa. p>> we're seeing traffic delays pbuilding up along 275 pnorthbound. pwe've been talking about that pthis morning and we have yet to pbuild up until a few minutes pago. pnorthbound off the howard pfrankland bridge, stacking up pthrough kennedy as you make your pway towards dale mabry. pright now into the i-4 pinterchange, that's 14...
Jan 25, 2016
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((russell- snow day. the weekend blizzard in the northeast is still causing p>>russell: snow day. pweekend blizzard in the pnortheast still causing problems peven for us here in tampa bay. p>>laura: and a super bowl pmatchup. pthe team with the best chance to pwin. pyou've got your early favorites. psee if you agree. p>>russell: causing drama. pactor is complaining about phaving to fly in coach. p>>laura: how dare they. p>>russell: welcome to the 7:00 phour of "good day." p>>laura: first we have a big pbackup on the courtney campbell pcauseway. pcourtney is filling in for pvanessa this morning. p>>russell: the westbound lanes pcauseway are shut down and an povernight accident has blocked pthe westbound lanes. olice are on scene pinvestigating. pthis is just before the boat pramp. p19 and 20-year-old both taken to pthe hospital with injuries. p20-year-old with life pthreatening injuries. ptraffic is able to get by using pthe service road. pdelays have really built up as pyou can see here. pthis traffic just crawling by on pthe service road. pdelays now back to just over a pmile so
((russell- snow day. the weekend blizzard in the northeast is still causing p>>russell: snow day. pweekend blizzard in the pnortheast still causing problems peven for us here in tampa bay. p>>laura: and a super bowl pmatchup. pthe team with the best chance to pwin. pyou've got your early favorites. psee if you agree. p>>russell: causing drama. pactor is complaining about phaving to fly in coach. p>>laura: how dare they. p>>russell: welcome to the 7:00 phour of...
Jan 13, 2016
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p>>russell: welcome to the 7:00 phour of "good day." pi'm russell rhodes. p>>laura: and i'm laura moody. pfirst the forecast from dave who pis equally stunned. p>>dave: that's the first i've pheard of that. pi have to do some research. p51 degrees outside this morning. pi know. pit was supposed to be lower 40s. pwhat happened? pnot the winds. pthe cloud cover and the cloud pcover that we had last night pdefinitely helped us out despite pthe fact you see mostly 40s on pthe map inland, 50s along the pcoast and 37 in crystal river. pthe mid to upper level clouds phelped to keep our temperatures pup a few degrees. pwe'll shift back in the mid 60s pfor high temps today. pwe're still on target for the ossibility of some strong pthunderstorms on friday morning. pso vanessa, i will talk more pabout that in a few minutes. p>>vanessa: we'll see you then. pwe have sky fox checking outh pthe troubled area 275 northbound pfrom yesterday. pmabry and himes. pthe new traffic pattern there pcausing some concerns for pdrivers and some delays. pwe're really starting to see pt
p>>russell: welcome to the 7:00 phour of "good day." pi'm russell rhodes. p>>laura: and i'm laura moody. pfirst the forecast from dave who pis equally stunned. p>>dave: that's the first i've pheard of that. pi have to do some research. p51 degrees outside this morning. pi know. pit was supposed to be lower 40s. pwhat happened? pnot the winds. pthe cloud cover and the cloud pcover that we had last night pdefinitely helped us out despite pthe fact you see mostly 40s on...
Jan 11, 2016
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p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. pwelcome, everybody. pa lot ahead this morning but pfirst, the forecast. pit's cold out there, dave. p>>dave: it is indeed. pand the winds that we have, 10, p12, 14 mile-per-hour winds make pit feel even colder. pwe just dropped to 45 degrees pout at tampa international. pi know. pi hear you. pi hear you at home. pthat 45 degrees is going to pgreet you as you walk out the pdoor thanks to that pnorth-northeast winds. p37 in crystal river. p40 in brooksville. p47 in clearwater and you may be phanging on to 50 in sarasota and pvenice for everybody, ptemperatures running 20, 25 pdegrees cooler than this time pyesterday at this time. pwe're going to struggle today pwith that north wind. pwe should at the end of the day pmanage to make it back to the plower 60s. pit's rain and a warmup late pweek. pfirst let's check the roadways phere at 7:00. p>>vanessa: things are starting pto pick up on the roads. pwe have word from the phillsborough county sheriff's poffice that southbound florida pavenue is closed due to a
p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. pwelcome, everybody. pa lot ahead this morning but pfirst, the forecast. pit's cold out there, dave. p>>dave: it is indeed. pand the winds that we have, 10, p12, 14 mile-per-hour winds make pit feel even colder. pwe just dropped to 45 degrees pout at tampa international. pi know. pi hear you. pi hear you at home. pthat 45 degrees is going to pgreet you as you walk out the pdoor thanks to that pnorth-northeast winds. p37 in crystal river. p40 in...
Jan 29, 2016
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pwhy christie 3 3 ((russell- p>>russell: well, he was a no pshow like he promised. pdonald trump did his own thing plast night, skipping the debate. pkrig pcraig patrick is in iowa and pwill join us on trump's unusual pmove. lus -- p>>reporter: why is the fog still pcausing problems at the port of ptampa? ptourists coming and going all pover the place. pwe'll explain coming up. p>>jennifer: another gold medal erformance for michael phelps. ool. p"good day." pi'm jennifer epstein filling in pfor laura moody. prhodes. pweather. pmuch better this morning. pbeautiful shot. icture now and the way it plooks, you'll think it's fog peverywhere but it's really not. pvisibilities, everybody preporting 10 miles. pthat's just above the surface. pas you look through that and see art of downtown and see the pclearing skies, it actually is pgoing to be a very, very nice pday. pwe have dropped back to 50 pdegrees so grab your light pjackets, north-northwest winds paround eight miles an hour. poverall today, i'll use the term pseasonably cool. p64 degrees. pit's not bad. pwe have th
pwhy christie 3 3 ((russell- p>>russell: well, he was a no pshow like he promised. pdonald trump did his own thing plast night, skipping the debate. pkrig pcraig patrick is in iowa and pwill join us on trump's unusual pmove. lus -- p>>reporter: why is the fog still pcausing problems at the port of ptampa? ptourists coming and going all pover the place. pwe'll explain coming up. p>>jennifer: another gold medal erformance for michael phelps. ool. p"good day." pi'm...
Jan 18, 2016
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p>>russell: thank you. pa controversial book about pgeorge washington is being ulled from the shelves. p>>laura: we're going to explain pwhy coming up in 10 minutes. pthen many in the area lost their phomes and their cars on sunday's ptornado. pjudge judy was also affected by pthis. pshe lost something less pnecessary. p>>lindsay: our focus this pmorning is on the cool temps. pthat will be the trend the next pfew days. pno severe weather but cold pweather. p46 degrees in tampa. pit's 41 in brooksville. pcontinuing to drop in lakeland. pwe're at 45. pif you're in the afternoon, pwe'll watch the winds stay pbreezy. pthe winds will be up. pby the way, there's a high risk pfor rip currents until 10:00 pa.m. this morning. phighs only near the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. let hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. america runs on dunkin'. signing up for health insurance was very easy... my premium is 22 dollars a month. it only took a few minutes, and i
p>>russell: thank you. pa controversial book about pgeorge washington is being ulled from the shelves. p>>laura: we're going to explain pwhy coming up in 10 minutes. pthen many in the area lost their phomes and their cars on sunday's ptornado. pjudge judy was also affected by pthis. pshe lost something less pnecessary. p>>lindsay: our focus this pmorning is on the cool temps. pthat will be the trend the next pfew days. pno severe weather but cold pweather. p46 degrees in...
Jan 14, 2016
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p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. pclearly we didn't win because pwe're here. pneither did they. pand he's awfully busy today. p>>dave: thanks for reminding me. psomebody did. psomebody did in our state. pwe have 51 degrees outside. pthat's our current temperature. pnortheast winds at six miles per phour and relatively quiet start pto the day. plook at the steady, steady pstream of clouds. pmid to upper level cloud cover. pwe'll have the mostly cloudy pskies again today. pmaybe a few degrees warmer pmaking it to the mid 60s and you psee out there in the left-hand pside of your screen, you can see pthat green there, a developing parea of low pressure in the pgulf. pas expected, moving us to pshowers and storms tomorrow pmorning. pso quiet now. pstormy tomorrow morning. pvanessa? p>>vanessa: see you then. pmeantime, biggest crash it seems plike we're seeing is the one pthat involves waters. ptraffic at the veterans pexpressway eastbound lanes are pblocked. pthree is what we're hearing at plast check. pfor folks just waking up with pus, because this is an update pfrom the last traff
p>>russell: and i'm russell prhodes. pclearly we didn't win because pwe're here. pneither did they. pand he's awfully busy today. p>>dave: thanks for reminding me. psomebody did. psomebody did in our state. pwe have 51 degrees outside. pthat's our current temperature. pnortheast winds at six miles per phour and relatively quiet start pto the day. plook at the steady, steady pstream of clouds. pmid to upper level cloud cover. pwe'll have the mostly cloudy pskies again today. pmaybe a...
Jan 20, 2016
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p>>russell: thank you. pactor jamie foxx pulled a man pfrom a burning vehicle right poutside of his house after pcalling 911. pfoxx ran to the truck to rescue pa 32-year-old brett kyle and pfoxx met with his mother. pyou can imagine, she's extremely pthankful. p>> i just kept watching and pgoing like oh, my god. phe didn't have to do a thing. plike i said earlier, i think we pall hope we could do something pwhen the time is there but the pquestion is, do we? pdo we act or do we fear our own plives? phe did not. p>> i don't look at it as heroic. pi look at it as just had to do psomething. pit all just worked out. pit all worked out. pkyle may have been drunk when he plost control on a wet road, pcausing the truck to flip over pand then into a ditch. pthen it caught fire. p>>dave: lightning get a day off. pthey'll play the stanley cup pchampion chicago blackhawks ptomorrow night. pbolts won last night in new porleans. p6-4. pit was a slug fest. pbroi -- they were shorthanded. pboyle broke free and shot past p
p>>russell: thank you. pactor jamie foxx pulled a man pfrom a burning vehicle right poutside of his house after pcalling 911. pfoxx ran to the truck to rescue pa 32-year-old brett kyle and pfoxx met with his mother. pyou can imagine, she's extremely pthankful. p>> i just kept watching and pgoing like oh, my god. phe didn't have to do a thing. plike i said earlier, i think we pall hope we could do something pwhen the time is there but the pquestion is, do we? pdo we act or do we fear...
Jan 22, 2016
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p>>russell: wow. p>>laura: when we come back, u.s. risoners held hostage in iran pare starting to return home. pnew found freedom. p>>russell: and new developments pin the lawsuit against bill pwhy the comedian is claiming a pvictory this morning. pgood morning. pwhat's going on, man? prussell. pi'm not too far from the pstation, south tampa here and pjennifer epstein asking for a pflorida state flag. poh, yeah. pthey got it. pi might want to buy this one, pactually. prepresent the state of florida pat the house once in a while. pwe're going to talk about the prich history of this company, palso all the great flags that pthey have here but the one that pthey make getting you ready for pgasparilla as the season kicks poff this weekend. pstick around. pi'll take you here. pbut first, we leave you with a plook at skytower hd radar. pgoing to be a messy day out pthere. pstick around. pdave osterberg will tell us what the americans released by iran last weekend are starting to c p>>russell: americans are n
p>>russell: wow. p>>laura: when we come back, u.s. risoners held hostage in iran pare starting to return home. pnew found freedom. p>>russell: and new developments pin the lawsuit against bill pwhy the comedian is claiming a pvictory this morning. pgood morning. pwhat's going on, man? prussell. pi'm not too far from the pstation, south tampa here and pjennifer epstein asking for a pflorida state flag. poh, yeah. pthey got it. pi might want to buy this one, pactually....
Jan 12, 2016
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p>>russell: but it had me for a psecond. p>>dave: the angle of the icture. p>>russell: wow. pkind of cool. pwhatever. pi don't think it's tim tebow's pthing to have a pony tail. p>>dave: me, either. pit's okay. p>>russell: i don't see him with pone. pyou know? p>>dave: i'm with you. p>>russell: thanks. p>>dave: be good. p>>russell: 95 yards. pthat was crazy, wasn't it? p>>dave: can you imagine that? pi didn't get a chance to watch pthe game but back and forth, pmust have been just awesome to pwatch. p>>russell: looks like a good pgame. p>>laura: i'll bet you my dad and pmy brother were going wild. p>>russell: i'll bet they were. pdid you talk to them yet? p>>laura: no. pnot yet. p>>russell: all right. p>>laura: the top grossing actor pof all time in this country. ptry to guess who it is. pthe answer is coming up. p>>russell: what was he thinking? pnow we know. pfind out what leonardo dicaprio psaid about the eye roll after pthe encounter with lady gaga at pthe golden globes. p>>laura: and dave is back with pthe forecast chld that should be pinteresting. phe says you're going
p>>russell: but it had me for a psecond. p>>dave: the angle of the icture. p>>russell: wow. pkind of cool. pwhatever. pi don't think it's tim tebow's pthing to have a pony tail. p>>dave: me, either. pit's okay. p>>russell: i don't see him with pone. pyou know? p>>dave: i'm with you. p>>russell: thanks. p>>dave: be good. p>>russell: 95 yards. pthat was crazy, wasn't it? p>>dave: can you imagine that? pi didn't get a chance to watch pthe...
Jan 7, 2016
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((russell- no love for lovie. p>>russell: no love for lovie. pthe bucs fire the head coach pafter just two seasons. layers are reacting and we ask, pwho might replace him? p>>laura: and better luck next ptime. pno one won the powerball jack pspot last night. pthat means the next one will be pa record. pwait until you hear how much. p>>russell: financial emergency. pyou need $1,000. phow many people would react the psame way that you do? pwelcome to the 7:00 hour of p"good day." pi'm russell rhodes. p>>laura: and i'm laura moody. pit's ask a lawyer day at fox 13. pnumbers to call will be at the pbottom of the screen. pit's free. pthat's the best part. pfirst we need the forecast from pdave. p>>dave: a lot of cloud cover pthis morning. psun will be up in 22 minutes or pso. p56 degrees, we've been steady pbecause of all that cloud cover. pand i want to say low fog. plook at the visibility, half pmile or so. pwe will get a little sunshine pfor today. psomething we didn't see a lot of pyesterday afternoon at all so ptake that 55 degrees and bring pi
((russell- no love for lovie. p>>russell: no love for lovie. pthe bucs fire the head coach pafter just two seasons. layers are reacting and we ask, pwho might replace him? p>>laura: and better luck next ptime. pno one won the powerball jack pspot last night. pthat means the next one will be pa record. pwait until you hear how much. p>>russell: financial emergency. pyou need $1,000. phow many people would react the psame way that you do? pwelcome to the 7:00 hour of p"good...
Jan 27, 2016
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p>>russell: yes, it is. p>>laura: what excitement. p>>russell: okay. pa picture of a potato sells for pwe're going to show you the spud pand why it's so expensive. p>>laura: and then leading lady. pnot quite so it would seem. pone of the biggest pmisconceptions about some of pdisney's most popular family pfilms. p>>russell: and look at the pradar. ptake an umbrella. pdave says we have an 80% chance 3 3 3 3 3 p>>dave: there you go. povercast skies, we have seen a pcouple of breaks in the clouds phere and there and don't be pconfused by that because we're pgoing to get more rain for ptoday. pas you're looking from river pview back, we'll get some low pclouds that have formed in some pof the areas. pwe had some heavier rain earlier pthis morning so we are getting pi do want to point that out as pyou're walking out the door. pa couple of breaks in the clouds palong the coastline as well. pthe heaviest, the steady rain preally kind of working its way ptoward the north and the east. pbehind it, we are getting a few plittle spritzes and sprinkles to op back u
p>>russell: yes, it is. p>>laura: what excitement. p>>russell: okay. pa picture of a potato sells for pwe're going to show you the spud pand why it's so expensive. p>>laura: and then leading lady. pnot quite so it would seem. pone of the biggest pmisconceptions about some of pdisney's most popular family pfilms. p>>russell: and look at the pradar. ptake an umbrella. pdave says we have an 80% chance 3 3 3 3 3 p>>dave: there you go. povercast skies, we have...
Jan 5, 2016
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russell: it's about fairness. it's about a country that allows access, not one that a few are in a position to continue to exploit the middle class and the poor--the shrinking middle class. ray: initially i came down here, i was inspired by the protestors to come down. when i was--when i went to that rally at wall street, i had no intention whatsoever of being arrested. jeffrey: if we have a proper government that is fair, that is insisting on responsibility by the rich and the powerful, that is investing in the poor and the working class, making sure that everybody has a chance for education, we're going to have a far fairer and more equal society. lillian: the first week you were here in liberty plaza, i was here walking, talking, you know, i talked to everybody. jose: i didn't feel strongly as about becoming an activist yet. you know? it's almost like you're aware and you're like, man, that's messed up. but what can i do about it? i was in that point of time that, what can i seriously do about it. like, there's
russell: it's about fairness. it's about a country that allows access, not one that a few are in a position to continue to exploit the middle class and the poor--the shrinking middle class. ray: initially i came down here, i was inspired by the protestors to come down. when i was--when i went to that rally at wall street, i had no intention whatsoever of being arrested. jeffrey: if we have a proper government that is fair, that is insisting on responsibility by the rich and the powerful, that...
Jan 11, 2016
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and it's always a little wild, right russell? 3 (russell) that's right... it is... probably because there's champagne at every table... or maybe it's just the vibe set by the group that hands out these awards: the hollywood foreign press... but it's usually the ceremony most likely to go off the rails. gervais skewered the stars, as expected... and complained often from the podium about how long the event was... but there were some great moments. here we go. 3 "and the golden globe goes too... leonardo 3 --russell well *that was a popular win... leonardo dicaprio took home the globe for "best actor in a motion picture, drama"... for his grueling, gripping, gritty role in the 18-20's thriller, "the revenant." that sets him up for a possible oscar win, next month... which, at age 41, would be his first. "the revenant" also won for best director, and best motion picture drama, which was a bit of a surprise. 3 (russell another film about surviving the odds, was good to matt damon. he won "best actor in a motion picture comedy" for his role in the stranded astronaut tale
and it's always a little wild, right russell? 3 (russell) that's right... it is... probably because there's champagne at every table... or maybe it's just the vibe set by the group that hands out these awards: the hollywood foreign press... but it's usually the ceremony most likely to go off the rails. gervais skewered the stars, as expected... and complained often from the podium about how long the event was... but there were some great moments. here we go. 3 "and the golden globe goes...
Jan 28, 2016
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we first reported on quantez russell's disappearance in november. family sent us these new pictures of him, but they haven't been able to find him yet. they say they've exhausted every lead, and they need your help. only 10 on your side's liz palka sat down with the lead investigator in the case. liz what did he say? tom and nicole - i'm told police have received a significant number of crimeline tips related to quantez russell's disappearance. but as a detective told me today - the tips and evidence collected keep leading them in the same circle. and they need new, credible information about where is could be. c1 2:44:12 we're doing everything we can following up with everything we can do to try to get some sort of resolution to this. detective william shockley is going over a file of information that has not yet led them to the missing 30 year old suffolk man. c1 2:37:01 - we'll get a lead it's as much information as we can get from it we go with that information kind of go out try and flush it out a little bit. and that's where we're having the p
we first reported on quantez russell's disappearance in november. family sent us these new pictures of him, but they haven't been able to find him yet. they say they've exhausted every lead, and they need your help. only 10 on your side's liz palka sat down with the lead investigator in the case. liz what did he say? tom and nicole - i'm told police have received a significant number of crimeline tips related to quantez russell's disappearance. but as a detective told me today - the tips and...
Jan 28, 2016
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detective william shockley is going over quantez russell's case. a file of information that has not yet led them old suffolk man. c1 2:37:01 - we'll get a lead it's as much information as we can get from it we go with that information kind of go out try and flush it out a little bit. and that's where we're having the problems, it kind of all :15 russell was last seen at his home on forest street on wednesday november 11th, in the early afternoon. he said he might head toward newport news. the investigation reveals his vehicle was discovered that night at a downtown newport news gas station - although shockley can't say which one. and there is evidence that russell was not the person who left it there. c1 2:35:54 - we have strong indications that it was moved, yes, and not by him. :56 he also couldn't comment on possible surveillance or specific evidence that was gathered from the vehicle. c1 2:36:22 - we got a little bit out of it, but investigation has led them to newport news and hamptonwhere russell spent a lot of free time. c1 2:39:44 - that's
detective william shockley is going over quantez russell's case. a file of information that has not yet led them old suffolk man. c1 2:37:01 - we'll get a lead it's as much information as we can get from it we go with that information kind of go out try and flush it out a little bit. and that's where we're having the problems, it kind of all :15 russell was last seen at his home on forest street on wednesday november 11th, in the early afternoon. he said he might head toward newport news. the...
Jan 28, 2016
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jacob doctor russell says the cases we've seen in the of the iceberg. more studies will likely be done as players like wes welker and troy polamalu, who had several concussions throughout their careers retire. medical teams at this time are still looking into tests that can be done on players who are still alive. in the studio, jacob peklo, local 5 news, we are iowa. jack a recent study by the department of veterans affairs and boston university found that ... 87 of 91 former n-f-l players tested positive for cte. the study also found that 131 of 165 who played the game at the high school level or above, suffered from some level of the same brain disease. jack: we want to know what you think about this issue. should we restrict contact football for certain age groups? let us know, we may use your comments on-air. you can post you thoughts on twitter and facebook. or send us an email or give us a call . we'd love to hear what you think! the contact information is on your screen. stephanie: keeping an eye on education now-- stephanie: the waiting game has
jacob doctor russell says the cases we've seen in the of the iceberg. more studies will likely be done as players like wes welker and troy polamalu, who had several concussions throughout their careers retire. medical teams at this time are still looking into tests that can be done on players who are still alive. in the studio, jacob peklo, local 5 news, we are iowa. jack a recent study by the department of veterans affairs and boston university found that ... 87 of 91 former n-f-l players...
Jan 17, 2016
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russell wilson doing russell wilson things. this is basically a replay of the elementary two points several years back. in this case, it is germane for a touchdown. 31, 20 four, seahawks with the onside kick. hero and recovered it and the game is over from that point on. the panthers moving on to the nfc title game. i talked to josh norman on the field immediately afterwards. >> you guys always make it interesting. that finished. awesome. loud and entertaining. [indiscernible] >> was there any point you felt it was getting away from you? >> we just have to be resilience. >> that first half. can it get any better than that? >> i don't think so. we have to just keep pushing in the second half. we have to keep -- those guys came out fighting. i love playing against those guys. >> nfc title game in charlotte now. >> go crazy. mark: you can bet that this as the arizona cardinals come to town. the winner of that game is heading off to santa clara for super bowl 50. unbelievable stuff, we were in the panthers locker room. luke kuechly
russell wilson doing russell wilson things. this is basically a replay of the elementary two points several years back. in this case, it is germane for a touchdown. 31, 20 four, seahawks with the onside kick. hero and recovered it and the game is over from that point on. the panthers moving on to the nfc title game. i talked to josh norman on the field immediately afterwards. >> you guys always make it interesting. that finished. awesome. loud and entertaining. [indiscernible] >>...
Jan 7, 2016
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thank you for being here, kurt russell. (cheers and applause). >> james: and in the orange room, ladies and gentlemen, he you know frim from "there will be blood." is he incredible in "love of mercy" you are about to see him in "war and peace," the brilliant mr. paul dano is here tonight. (cheers and applause) hey, paul. how are you? >> i'm good. >> james: i love that. paul actually brought that mug with him from when the last time he was on the show. he is never without it, that's right, right? >> that's right. i travel with it every whereness he just gets more handsome, dunts he he gets more handsome every day, i'm so excited to see him at 456789 thank you for being here, paul dano, everybody. (cheers and applause). >> james: beautiful face. beautiful face. good head of hair. trusting eyes and a good embrace when you meet him that is why we love him. and ladies and gentlemen, this is exciting. because in the purple room tonight, is he a former nasa scientist whose work was powering every day electronics your fridge, has e
thank you for being here, kurt russell. (cheers and applause). >> james: and in the orange room, ladies and gentlemen, he you know frim from "there will be blood." is he incredible in "love of mercy" you are about to see him in "war and peace," the brilliant mr. paul dano is here tonight. (cheers and applause) hey, paul. how are you? >> i'm good. >> james: i love that. paul actually brought that mug with him from when the last time he was on the...
Jan 14, 2016
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russell: thank you, mr. chairman. 19 august 2015, and i quote, the president of the united states, i made sure that the united states reserved its right to maintain and enforce existing sanctions and deploy new sanctions to address those continuing concerns. which we fully intend to do when circumstances warrant. i'm confident that in the days it is imperative that we take steps to deal with iran's destabilizing activities for support of terrorism. involves continued enforcement of international and united states law, including sanctions related to iran's nonnuclear activities. we will maintain, and i'm quoting the president, powerful sanctions targeting iran's support for groups such as hezbollah, its destabilizing role in yemen, backing of the asat regime. -- assad program, and rights at home, end quote. this is in direct response, mr. speaker, to the gentleman who s saying that he's not for upholding these things today. had many bipartisan fashion voted against this agreement. the president has stated cle
russell: thank you, mr. chairman. 19 august 2015, and i quote, the president of the united states, i made sure that the united states reserved its right to maintain and enforce existing sanctions and deploy new sanctions to address those continuing concerns. which we fully intend to do when circumstances warrant. i'm confident that in the days it is imperative that we take steps to deal with iran's destabilizing activities for support of terrorism. involves continued enforcement of...
Jan 27, 2016
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((russell/take vo)) and: it looks like he's going to be a no-show. donald trump backs out of tomorrow's debate.. and he's already made *other plans.. it's all ahead at six.
((russell/take vo)) and: it looks like he's going to be a no-show. donald trump backs out of tomorrow's debate.. and he's already made *other plans.. it's all ahead at six.
Jan 12, 2016
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p>>russell: is that tim tebow pwith a pony tail? phair raising picture has many pdoing a double take. pwelcome. pit's the 7:00 hour of "good pday." pi'm russell rhodes. p>>laura: and i'm laura moody. pall that ahead and a whole lot pmore. pfirst, parts every the tampa bay parea under a freeze warning this pmorning, right? p>>dave: but some clouds that pcame in over the past couple of phours, i think will take care of pthat which is good. pwill is another freeze watch ptomorrow and tonight. ptampa at 45 degrees. plittle bit cooler than that. p43 in brandon. p40 at wesley chapel. pmid 30s brooksville and crystal priver. pthose are spots under a freeze pwarning. pi don't think that's going to phappen as the sun will be up in pa few minutes and start the pwarming up process. pstill, though, it's going to be pa struggle just to make it back pto 62 for a high this afternoon. pvanessa? p>>vanessa: thank you, dave. pwe'll starting off in polk pcounty. pwe're just getting word of a pserious crash that is more pspecifically in the winter have
p>>russell: is that tim tebow pwith a pony tail? phair raising picture has many pdoing a double take. pwelcome. pit's the 7:00 hour of "good pday." pi'm russell rhodes. p>>laura: and i'm laura moody. pall that ahead and a whole lot pmore. pfirst, parts every the tampa bay parea under a freeze warning this pmorning, right? p>>dave: but some clouds that pcame in over the past couple of phours, i think will take care of pthat which is good. pwill is another freeze watch...
Jan 29, 2016
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we're missing russell and charley... but otherwise, 3 3 (walter) but we didn't wait until thursday to get happy and have a good time. (vanessa) i think this week's "good day goodies" proves that. roll it! 3 3 "i can only do underhand...ladies and gentlemen.""russell rhodes, what flag is this?...now it's upside down."(you know to end before he chunks it)"when is it going to warm up dave?...there he is. "and 29, 29...charley belcher live at the youth fair.""$250, $275...live tv!""fox 13 viewer...get to the other side." 3 ((vanessa))((vanessa)) 3 3 3 let's see, we've got surf, sand, sun... great weather. no wonder floridians are among the happiest in the country. ((walter)) but that's not all we have to brag about turns out we're some of the *healthiest, too. how we did it... after the break. 3 ((walter and... forrest gump... apollo 13... big... they all star tom hanks... the new honor for him, that 3 (vanessa) with our good weather and postcard-beautiful sites.... it's no wonder florida ranks high in a new study of the cou
we're missing russell and charley... but otherwise, 3 3 (walter) but we didn't wait until thursday to get happy and have a good time. (vanessa) i think this week's "good day goodies" proves that. roll it! 3 3 "i can only do underhand...ladies and gentlemen.""russell rhodes, what flag is this?...now it's upside down."(you know to end before he chunks it)"when is it going to warm up dave?...there he is. "and 29, 29...charley belcher live at the youth...
Jan 7, 2016
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pthank you, russell. p>>> a repeal of affordable phealthcare reform act otherwise pknown obamacare is sitting on resident's desk. pfor first time ever, it passed pbot house and senate. resident obama will veto the plegislation he has already said pthat he will send it back to pcongress. pbut they don't have enough votes pto override it. pand republicans know that but pup call for the president. pthat the law justice not pworking. pand a new gallop survey says law phas stalled in reducing number puninsured americans. palmost 12 percent are without a phealth insurance that's an punchanged number. psince law took effect percentage puninsured has dropped from 17 ercent. pthat equates to about 13 million eople. pnow have health insurance. pwhite house did not comment on pthe latest survey. p>>> the 3 major democratic pcandidates were all this las pvegas last night. pbernie sanders martin oh pmal-hillary clinton. pall three got rousing applause peach time to criticize prepublicans and tell nevada they phave fri
pthank you, russell. p>>> a repeal of affordable phealthcare reform act otherwise pknown obamacare is sitting on resident's desk. pfor first time ever, it passed pbot house and senate. resident obama will veto the plegislation he has already said pthat he will send it back to pcongress. pbut they don't have enough votes pto override it. pand republicans know that but pup call for the president. pthat the law justice not pworking. pand a new gallop survey says law phas stalled in...
Jan 14, 2016
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3 ((russell/2-shot)) go.. get your powerball tickets right now!! there are three big winners - including one in florida!((laura)) fox 13's shayla reaves has the winning numbers.. and.. will tell us how many million dollar tickets were also sold in our state! 3 time for that new car smell.. why 20-16 may be the year for you to make that new car purchase.. 3 ((laura/take vo)) and: an "out of this world" proposal.. this man flys an engagement ring into space.. the reason why - and how he got it back.. coming up at six! 3 3 wow, you changed my old bedroom. with a little help from a havertys designer. he helped us, uh...reinvent the whole space. and it is perfect. i'm sure it was perfect then too, because you're perfect. yeah, i was perfect. no mom, you're grounded! it's uh...it's better now. well, my design sense is ever-evolving, so... update your space and take up to one-thousand dollars off your purchase at havertys. plus, enjoy twenty-four month, no-interest financing.
3 ((russell/2-shot)) go.. get your powerball tickets right now!! there are three big winners - including one in florida!((laura)) fox 13's shayla reaves has the winning numbers.. and.. will tell us how many million dollar tickets were also sold in our state! 3 time for that new car smell.. why 20-16 may be the year for you to make that new car purchase.. 3 ((laura/take vo)) and: an "out of this world" proposal.. this man flys an engagement ring into space.. the reason why - and how he...
Jan 13, 2016
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russell did.o it is making lower lows. so we think it goes back and retests the 2011 highs around 875. those are the two big charts we're looking here. >> you're calling the russell in terms of testing is firmer than the downside case for the s&p 500 going to 15 -- if that is the leading indicator does 1575 become a more likely scenario or is that a outlier worst case scenario? >> that is the out liar. but if you are talking about 25% in the s&p, it is not that unrealistic to get there. russell, the clear break of the october 2014 lows is significant. you have this clear topping pattern here. so it looks like a clean shot to the russell, down to 870. if that is the case, s&p is probably going lower as well. one other thing we would like to highlight is -- this isn't a market where we want to sell everybody. we've seen reports out there. i think you have to be in the right stocks. for a lot of investors, they have to choice. so we're looking at high beta relative to low volatility. that is this rat
russell did.o it is making lower lows. so we think it goes back and retests the 2011 highs around 875. those are the two big charts we're looking here. >> you're calling the russell in terms of testing is firmer than the downside case for the s&p 500 going to 15 -- if that is the leading indicator does 1575 become a more likely scenario or is that a outlier worst case scenario? >> that is the out liar. but if you are talking about 25% in the s&p, it is not that unrealistic...
Jan 26, 2016
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p>>> hey everybody it's an p8 o'clock i'm russell rhodes. pi'm laura moody we thank you for pwaking up with us on this ptuesday morning. pits january 26th the. pright now we will check in with ptraffic jen epstein some roads pare finally back to normal. pyeah a rough start to morning pcommute things are beginning to plook a lot better along 275 in phillsborough county. inellas county along 275 at p54th avenue north. pthis is was the scene of earlier pvehicle fire. pfire is out but crews still on pscene. pand the they have exit ramble pcompletely blocked off. pwe went sure of that in last preport. pbut orange cones are now in lace. pthis is northbound 275. pcommuters can't exit interstate pcurrently on to 54th avenue or p62nd avenue north. pthey are 38th avenue north as ptwo alternates to take. pwe're seeing a big back up phearing delays extend back to ptropicana field. pnear i 175. pand i 375. pa couple other slow spots pincluding veterans expressway 11 pmiles per hour. pbarely moving between ulrich proad all the way down past gunn phighway
p>>> hey everybody it's an p8 o'clock i'm russell rhodes. pi'm laura moody we thank you for pwaking up with us on this ptuesday morning. pits january 26th the. pright now we will check in with ptraffic jen epstein some roads pare finally back to normal. pyeah a rough start to morning pcommute things are beginning to plook a lot better along 275 in phillsborough county. inellas county along 275 at p54th avenue north. pthis is was the scene of earlier pvehicle fire. pfire is out but...
Jan 16, 2016
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rut are russell is sincere -- mr. russell is sincere about this. i think we want the same thing. but this bill is deeply flawed. it would force the president to meet an impossible standard on an issue where congress had already spoken. that's no way to advance our interests abroad. that's no way to hold iran accountable. so let's vote down this bill, go back to the drawing board, and come back with bipartisan legislation that would actually help us achieve our aims. i urge a no voluntary et -- vote -- a no vote. again, the question here is not whether iran can be trusted. they cannot. iran's a bad player. three people on this side of the aisle who spoke against this bill voted against the jcpoa. so it's not matter of just trying to rubber stamp what the administration wants or anything like that. no. we don't think that this bill goes in the right direction. we don't want to embarrass the president. we want to work with the president to make sure that iran's feet are held to the fire. so, again, we had the vote on the iran bill. i voted no. my friends on that side of the aisle vo
rut are russell is sincere -- mr. russell is sincere about this. i think we want the same thing. but this bill is deeply flawed. it would force the president to meet an impossible standard on an issue where congress had already spoken. that's no way to advance our interests abroad. that's no way to hold iran accountable. so let's vote down this bill, go back to the drawing board, and come back with bipartisan legislation that would actually help us achieve our aims. i urge a no voluntary et --...
Jan 18, 2016
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reporting from 4th street, terri russell kolo 8 news now. that was terri russel reporting. the winter weather also has a downside... a loss of work time. its estimated the cold and flu season can cost businesses seven billion dollars annually in sick days and loss of productivity. up next on this edition of kolo 8 news now... one person killed in a chemical spill this weekend. investigators still trying to piece together what happened - while experts examine possible threats to neighbors. amanda there are a lot of ways to save money of the stuff you buy... dave but forget saving money... what about free stuff. amanda coming up monday morning... a look things from makeup to prescriptions you can davhouston-area chemical plant has left one person dead and three hurt. it happened in pasadena yesterday afternoon, when roughly one- thousand gallons of an oil-based cleaning solution spilled from a tank. one person suffered a broken arm, while two others were being treated for exposure to the cleaning solution. hazardous materials experts say there is no danger to the public. pasa
reporting from 4th street, terri russell kolo 8 news now. that was terri russel reporting. the winter weather also has a downside... a loss of work time. its estimated the cold and flu season can cost businesses seven billion dollars annually in sick days and loss of productivity. up next on this edition of kolo 8 news now... one person killed in a chemical spill this weekend. investigators still trying to piece together what happened - while experts examine possible threats to neighbors....
Jan 18, 2016
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>> playing the music, no, not for russell because cam newton -- >> but maybe it did get under russell'shalf. they were down 31 to nothing at half. >> terrible. >> it was bad. but some people say, lauren saying, zero oh, they are playing that purple rain because they know russell win son is there. you say they do it all the time? >> for cam, future atlanta, you know, does all of these dances when he scores or anything. >> i still think -- >> you think they were showing shame? i think it was a little of both. >> fantastic. >> because he got over it after half time. came out, had a great second half. >> i wonder how sierra felt? if sitting in the stands, playing your baby daddy's song, awkward? sit through it, what no in. >> sit on your hands. >> i'm not listening, i don't hear that. then it probably was awkward for all party involved. >> yes. >> okay, everyone. >> it works. >> have a lovely day. remember day of service. go out and do something good for the community honoring martin luther king. >> and go to the after show. >> the after the show show. >> starts with a selfie stick. now. ♪
>> playing the music, no, not for russell because cam newton -- >> but maybe it did get under russell'shalf. they were down 31 to nothing at half. >> terrible. >> it was bad. but some people say, lauren saying, zero oh, they are playing that purple rain because they know russell win son is there. you say they do it all the time? >> for cam, future atlanta, you know, does all of these dances when he scores or anything. >> i still think -- >> you think...
Jan 11, 2016
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and as you just said a moment ago, you're in the bearish territory in the russell -- the russell.: okay. but this is a big list here. stocks, bonds, emerging markets and high yields. you're not worried about a jump. >> i'm not worried about any of these. but i will tell you that i'm not stepping into these right away. i just want to see a little bit more of blood on the streets. and i think some time this month you're going to actually get some very good returns by stepping in. i'm part of the buying on breaks-type stuff. i really do. liz: yeah, he's -- >> listen, you have the unemployment number that just came out. 300,000. you know, you've got -- you've got different aspects of the economy that are actually looking pretty good. you had 2.6 billion miles put on by cars. you've had record sales of cars. you just had stimulus. you know, from the house. you know, so i don't think things are going to be that bad. liz: okay. that's our -- >> but obviously the markets are bad right now. liz: that's our bull and, peter, you just heard our bear. roll out some of the positives that he per
and as you just said a moment ago, you're in the bearish territory in the russell -- the russell.: okay. but this is a big list here. stocks, bonds, emerging markets and high yields. you're not worried about a jump. >> i'm not worried about any of these. but i will tell you that i'm not stepping into these right away. i just want to see a little bit more of blood on the streets. and i think some time this month you're going to actually get some very good returns by stepping in. i'm part...
Jan 27, 2016
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@that's the punishment for @officers who fired 137 shots @killing unarmed suspects @timothy russell and melissa @williams more than three years @ago. @correspondent is here to @explain the discipline that the @officers face. @>> hi. @we all remember this tragedy @started with the cars' back @fire mistaken for gunfire. @most people know michael breelo @fired after being found not @guilty of manslaughter last @may. @five others are canned too @because they broke basic safety @rules about shooting in cross @fire. @police with gunfire sound from @a dash cam in the shot by shot @sequence which showed officers @firing in what order. @that could have been deadly for @cleveland police officers too. @the safety director fired @officers michael breelo, diaz, @michael farrelly. @brelo jumped on the hood of the @suspect's car, reloaded the @of 137 shots thinking the two @were shooting at him. @the city calls the process and @investigation thorough and @fair. @>> it was very difficult. @very difficult for all of us. @there were general police @orders. @there are manual rules and @regulations that we
@that's the punishment for @officers who fired 137 shots @killing unarmed suspects @timothy russell and melissa @williams more than three years @ago. @correspondent is here to @explain the discipline that the @officers face. @>> hi. @we all remember this tragedy @started with the cars' back @fire mistaken for gunfire. @most people know michael breelo @fired after being found not @guilty of manslaughter last @may. @five others are canned too @because they broke basic safety @rules about...
Jan 1, 2016
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a fellow nurse who ran several races with russell will now run the she says russell will be with with with her in spirit. >> i always hear her voice in my head. just go for it. that's the type of person she was. >> before the accident russell had raised nearly $500 on a marathon fundraising page. it now stands at more than $16,000. that accident, by the way, is still under investigation. no charges have been filed at the time. >> new york state getting fired up over fantasy football. the state attorney general filed a lawsuit against draftkings and fanduel yesterday asking the sites to return the money they made last year. that's $200 million. the state claims the sites are illegal gambling operations. he also says each site should pay a fine of $5,000 for each user that lost money. a spokesperson called the suit baseless. >> two babies claiming a unique title. meet the two little girls who tied for being the first babies born in >> what a precious little angels. >> and our coverage of the nhl winter classic continues. we'll head back out to foxbourough and sports director joe amorosi
a fellow nurse who ran several races with russell will now run the she says russell will be with with with her in spirit. >> i always hear her voice in my head. just go for it. that's the type of person she was. >> before the accident russell had raised nearly $500 on a marathon fundraising page. it now stands at more than $16,000. that accident, by the way, is still under investigation. no charges have been filed at the time. >> new york state getting fired up over fantasy...