brittany stork picked her way through the ice and snow into the courthouse, where russell adkins, the mother, was on trial. she had vowed to sit through every moment. britney stark picture way to the ice and snow into the courthouse where russell atkins, the man accused of killing her mother, was on trial. she had vowed to sit through every moment. so two had russell akins friends. they took turns back in the courtroom benches behind the bouncer. >> i've got to get and said we gotta go in there and show these people that russell would never do that. >> once before, the same friends that don't a benefit to help raise money for the bouncers legal funds. >> people just brought in food, there were probably five different people that got up and played. music just so many that really had nothing but they all pull together whatever they had to offer. >> she wondered if her former lover was being targeted because he was a biker. but she says his path and where people thought about was as a person was irrelevant. >> but he's a nice man or whether he's a jerk. the bottom line is there was not e