anderson. >> well, let's hope it holds. jake tapper, appreciate it. general russel honore emerged obviously as one of the heros in the days after hurricane katrina. commander of the military's response. you probably remember watching him, being calm to the city. he joins me now tonight. we spoke earlier, and i think what you said is so powerful here. i want to kind of talk about it again. this militarized showing, rifles aimed at protesters, which we have seen night after night after night, though not tonight. tear gas thrown. do you believe that escalates tensions, and antagonizes the crowd, perhaps needlessly so? >> that's my assessment. that's my judgment. and that's the doctrine that i learned in how you do crowd control, anderson. and there is a document for it. the army has a manual about that thick on how you do it. and none of it involves pointing weapons or sighting weapons on crowds or in this case, during demonstration or during civil disobedience. i think my hat's off, and again, it may be too early. but the tactics that the captain adjusted to tonight,