. -- russell berna. >> it is good to be with you. you have announced he will be supporting the ryan budget. you are also pushing the republican study committee budget. why the need for that? what is wrong with the ryan budget? >> there are good things in his budget, particularly the policy statements where they have incorporated ideas from us. there are a lot of good things in there. it is 1000 times better than the president's budget. it never gets to balance. the difference between his budget and ours is we get to balance in a reasonable time in a time frame we believe the american people think are common sense. ours takes five years. this takes 28 years to get to balance. we think it is important to show the american people this is what we need to do. you cannot get 218 votes for our budget. i do not expect to get that. we do need to pass something. paul's is better than the president's. we will support that. at the same time, we offer ours as something that needs to happen. >> were you disappointed he adopted a modified version o