why i love c-span, you can have someone call in and quote russell kirk. it's great. and it's absolutely right. the whole idea that markets can do good things for us and free enterprise is outstanding -- i believe these deeply about they're a predeterminent for that is properly ordered human morality. markets have to come after morality, and again, different people -- people will disagree what the morality comes down to, but if we rely only on markets also apostlessed to the moral sentiments we're going to be going in the wrong direction, the same way you can't say a car makes you a better person. a car is a means to do so just as markets are means to do so. so, hour do we need to deal with senate we need politicians and policymakers and family members and community leaders who say we need to lead properly upstanding, moral, ethical, lifestyles such that capitalism can be a good thing for us as a society. adam smith said this in 1759 owrote the their riff hoff moral sentiments. 17 years before the wealth of nations, his great book about how we understand classic econo