if you are an intellectual conservative, and i fashion myself because i've studied russell kirk, read every word he ever wrote, i have studied conservative thoughts and, you know, the 17th century, these are the issues that i come down to. there are four pillars of conservatism. those are limited government, fiscal responsibility, strong national defense, and protection of cultural values. i would say that on all of those marks he has much better marks than the republican leadership that we have today. do we have limited government? no. have we done anything to limit government? no. do we have a balanced budget? no. are we heading toward a balanced budget? no. are we entertaining tax reform? no. do we have a strong military? no. we have sequestration. have we done anything to protect cultural values? obviously not. all those people who cloak themselves in conservatism have much worse marks than donald trump -- >> than why didn't a strong conservative, as you say mike pence, endorse donald trump? what's missing there? >> i think it's a matter of familiarity. i think they've known each