thank you, signed sincerely todd russell platts, member of congress, 19th district of pennsylvania. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the resignation is accepted. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia rise? mr. d >> mr. speaker i move to suspend the rules and pass house resolution 530. the speaker pro tempore: the clerk will report the title. clip resolution 530, commending the purpose of the third annual civil rights baseball game and recognizing the historic significance of the location of the game in cincinnati, ohio. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from virginia, mr. scott and the gentleman from texas, mr. gohmert each will control 20 minutes. the chair recognizes the gentleman from virginia. mr. scott: i ask that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include extraneous material in the legislation under consideration. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. mr. scott: i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognize