russell powell. who is written really about how old is. the lead of the checker and just one of the greatest leaders we had trying century. he said who. is n it can not the conviction that something will turn out well. it is the certainty that something is worth doing no matter how it turns. so what is this something that's worth doing for its own innate. nature even if we fail at achieving outcomes for it and it's really an coming from this twenty first century culture t chief man. the valui yourself based on what you accomplished and arms and all sorts of. signs that your success there now we're down to basicshat is the value of my life. and that's wre you could consult any spiritual tradition anywhere ithe world. to come with the same answer. yes to. being a compassiona presents for other people and not be so wrapped up in ourselves. thank you very much for. in times of crisis our emotions cry for change in the big world around us but he can b most effective cle to home as mac weekly quote study version do what you can with what you hav