when we're happy for a reason, we become hostage to that reason. >> russell simmons: the idea of reals one that we have >> russell simmons: the idea of real success is one that we have to cultivate in ourselves. [ ♪ ] >> jack canfield: most of us think that success in life is about amassing things. it's not about amassing things, it's not about becoming wealthy. that's part of the game and we want to play it, but we're playing it for a higher purpose and the higher purpose is to gain mastery in life. and we gain mastery when we learn wisdom and when we can become more loving. >> marci shimoff: thomas jefferson's famous line is that "we have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." so, here we are. we're all going out pursuing or chasing after happiness. you know, i think the reason these days that people are so interested in the topic of happiness is that we have an epidemic of unhappiness in our society. 25% of people claim they're depressed and we are not doomed to depression. here we are, we have more than we've ever had, and yet something is still missing. i hear