i don't know, i think russell t davies has had extraordinary writing after extraordinary wriegd. yeah, it's really been well-received. in the u.k. and when it repeers-- premiers in the u.s. it will see how people resonate with the story and what they feel about it before i let you go, i would love to know how you worked on your accent because one of the feuds that is constantly, you know, brewing between the u.s. and the u.k. is how people do the other's accents. everyone loved your accent. how did you work on it. >> i have a pretty decent ear for accents. but i really didn't want to rely on that. so there was a dialectician i worked with a fair amount. we went through the entire script. we decided what type of person he was. >> trevor: did you do that thing where you live in, were you walking around your house like i would like some tea please. >> no, i went about a week early, to walk around and just kind of sit at pubs and listen to people, so that i miary was in line, the lardest part was when we were filming, my accent, i was fine with my accent as written but then between t