fueling russian nostalgia for imperial fueling russian nostalgia for imperial grantur however it is this habit of just grantur however it is this habit of just grantur however it is this habit of just living for today and not thinking about living for today and not thinking about living for today and not thinking about what is going on around rather than any what is going on around rather than any what is going on around rather than any imperial syndrome that has had an impact imperial syndrome that has had an impact imperial syndrome that has had an impact one of russia's leading economists one of russia's leading economists one of russia's leading economists natalia zubarevic believes that poverty natalia zubarevic believes that poverty natalia zubarevic believes that poverty is the cause a person primarily is the cause a person primarily is the cause a person primarily concerned with survival is generally concerned with survival is generally concerned with survival is generally unempathetic because all their energy is unempathetic because all their energy is unempathetic be