hoping for russian ovoz, risking his life, a young man on an electric scooter rides in the middle ofcooter violated three violations, causing irritation to motorists. and rules road traffic, drove onto a highway where cars can accelerate to 110 km/h, his own speed clearly exceeds the 25 km/h allowed for electric scooters, and he has the right to move only on the right edge of the road. personal mobility aids, abbreviated sim, have been officially recognized as a vehicle for a year now and simple traffic rules have been in effect for their users for the same amount of time, we tried to remember them by everyone who... opened the new season, well, firstly, it is allowed locally and preferably where are there bike paths or there are also places for riding a scooter, do not speed too much, because you can run into people, cross the road on foot, the most important thing is not to drive on red, the truth is that these rules are followed, to put it mildly, not all of us are convinced here, in a matter of minutes, without dismounting, a dozen electric scooter lovers crossed the wide road. o