months in the cold and ice and so we headed back starting at the airport close to the russian polar research station as i read sky at. pro ching antarctica from the air. on board this aircraft are scientists from 10 different countries. will be spending the polar summer doing their research here. this year the team from bella bruce is especially large. billow says would be a program for science earned villages course more earned. a few zips and now real building go station. india has also sent a large team. members will be making their way to the country's 2 antarctic research stations. to study is there build up on together what we. are studying so it does not amount to so on our commission of all the dead but we will be adding that trend what is the condition of the. product what is it doing all the glacier. nearly all of antarctica is covered in our youth . need funds aleppo comes from russia he works at the nobleness i read today a station close to the airports. he's a veteran researcher like most of the russians here he started working in the polar regions during the soviet era. my wife. but it