he should not had the people that have had the people russiason's office from talking about making the deal and he should not have had the call that we are talking about now, this recent thing that has caused -- allowed -- guest: i think that is symbolic of the democrat's mindset. they don't like the president. they don't know that he has done anything criminally wrong. they don't have evidence of impeachable offenses, they want to get rid of him. i go back to when republicans were in control of the house and barack obama was president. disliked obama as much as the democrat base dislikes president trump. never at one time did republicans in congress try to call for an impeachment inquiry. what republicans tried to do was beat obama at the ballot box and obama won reelection. republicans continued in a constitutional way, to challenge obama's policy and initiatives, but never once did they abuse the power of the office by trying to call for an impeachment inquiry. i think it is unfortunate we are here talking about impeachment officially. we have talked about impeachment for the last t