rustam kasumov with details. commission has approved the first bitcoin etfs. judging by the statement of chairman gerry gensler, who emphasized that the commission does not endorse or promote bitcoin itself. this was done reluctantly. mr. genzler had to admit that circumstances had changed, although he did not tell the whole truth. the first application was submitted by crypto player gray skyle, who has no contact with the authorities. he was refused, then the black rock foundation, which has been helping washington since 2008, made the same request sweep crises under the rug. in this case , the commission could no longer say no. it is noteworthy that of the five board members, gensler voted in favor of the bitcoin etf along with two republicans. two democrats were in the minority and voted against it. experts say that there may be an attack against the fed and the dollar, unseen since the kennedy era. but that's of course. a relatively safe tool just a few hours after the account of the commission itself was hac