but rustock was more notorious and complex.>>in this latest case microsoft worked with drugs company pfizer among others -- that's because spamsent out by rustock posed a danger to public health. it was advertising counterfeit drugs. >>pfizer has been campaigning against fake pharmaceuticals with hard hitting adverts highlighting the fact that they can contain pesticides, lead-based paint or floor wax. >>ford: we've found that with spam you are not going to get authentic product. if it is too good tobe true and you are receiving unsolicited email, they are not selling authentic product nine out often times and they don't care about your health. >>reporter: the scale of this takedown maybe unprecedented, clearing up the health of million's of people's computers across the world -- but according to experts more needs to be done by the public at large if they're to stop new botnets and the spread of spam. >>lanstein: it is staying up-to-date with best practices; best practices include having a strong password, running some sort of