student from rutgers university new park. she earned her master's in technology. as a sixth year public high school teacher, she promotes student directed oral history and mixed media community outreach projects and has been recognized by the national oral history association for her work. this year with the martha ross teaching award. she grew up in moscow and immigrated to the united states in 1991. her dissertation newark remembers is an interdisciplinary project that will be the first to examine the struggles over memory and identity in newark, new jersey. liberation of rutgers newark history memory and black stude >> thank you so much. good morning, everyone. on february 24th, 1969, a group of black student activists took sit in. the illegal taking of the building was a highly contested event. student activists and supporters viewed the sit-in as a localized part of a larger protest for equality, social justice and freedom during the 60s. the opposition which included members of rutgers administration, faculty, student body as well as councilman and his const