we mean when we talk about planting a tree at or slightly above grade to make surewe don't have ruth krausssitting in additional soil or sitting in water every day so the root crown are replanted in line with the top level of sidewalk . this is an approximation of what 24 inch box size trees look like . these are red maples on the right and i believethat's politeness on the left . they're showing examples of that. there are two opportunities to replant additionaltrees on growth . they were paid years ago by th library and we're going to open those backup . big picture, san francisco public works we have a goal of ensuring safe lean and green infrastructure andpublic rights-of-way. we have street treat sf . >> >> -- and that both parties are going to have to give, so the give was we would retain 11 ficus. retain 11, remove eight. that was a key part of the compromise. now there was some discussion about what phased would mean, and the library was committed to that. but that was the agreement. remaining eight and retaining 11. we should have reached out before initiating the posting of those